God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle: Part Two

God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle: Part Two

God’s equipment for spiritual battle is described in the book of Ephesians 6:10-18. And is most commonly known among Christians as Putting On the Armor of God.

It represents God’s protection for Christ-followers when fighting spiritual battles. In part one, I talked about the first three pieces of armor. Here are the other pieces.

God’s equipment for spiritual battle takes up the shield of faith

The Roman shield was large enough to cover the entire body. It was made of wood and bound together at the top and bottom with metal bands. And when dipped in water, could extinguish flaming arrows from the enemy.

What are those fiery darts Paul describes in v.16?

The possibilities are endless and different for all of us. But probably best represented by the areas where you are most vulnerable to attack.

Perhaps the doubt, fear, or discouragement the enemy jabs at you. A bad habit you can’t conquer. The lies he whispers in your ear about yourself. Or hurtful words hurled at you by someone else.

Faith is your vote of confidence in God. Where you remind yourself you are covered by God’s grace. Secure in the grip of His love and the assurance He has your back. And that you are destined for His eternal presence.

God’s equipment for spiritual battle includes the helmet of salvation

Satan tries to get into your head. Mess with your mind. Psych you out. He knows if you are saved through Jesus Christ, he can’t pluck you out of God’s hand. Your eternal destiny is secure. So his strategy is to confuse you. Confound you. And drag you down through sin so you’re ineffective for God’s Kingdom.

But knowing your salvation is secure gives you confidence in your fight. Because even though you are still a sinner, and will continue to sin, God’s power helps you resist temptations. And win some of those sin battles too.

In other words, the helmet of salvation is eternal, but also saves you from the power of sin in this life. And encourages you to press on in the fight.

God’s equipment for spiritual battle wields the sword of the spirit

The Bible is God’s word. His truth. And final authority on all subject matter related to this life. God promises it won’t return to him void.

It is your one offensive weapon in spiritual battles. And it’s impossible for Satan to refute. But be warned. He also knows it well and will twist its meaning to serve his purpose. Satan’s allies will do the same.

But it was the authority Jesus turned to when he was tempted by Satan. And King David kept close for use in his own spiritual battles.

Because God’s word penetrates to the soul. Judges the heart. And reveals God’s love and purpose for mankind. Rather than fight in the power of human reasoning, it equips you with the truth and wisdom of God.

Study it. Seek to know it. And memorize it. Because it is THE ANSWER, when you don’t have an answer.

Prayer is not equipment but is critical in spiritual warfare

Prayer may not be equipment, but it is a valuable weapon in spiritual battles. Because it aligns you with the will of God. Activates His power. And keeps you in His safeguarding presence.

More than simply regular habit. It should be a constant conversation with your eternal, loving Father.

Your direct source to God for His strength in the fight.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

When It Hurts So Bad You Can’t Stand It

When It Hurts So Bad You Can’t Stand It

When it hurts so bad you can’t stand it, Jesus will ease your pain. He offers comfort, peace, and new purpose to those who take refuge in him. Here’s why.

When it hurts so bad you can’t stand it, know that Jesus shares your pain and offers comfort

Pain is an inescapable part of life. From scraped knees, to traumatic psychological wounds, and deep emotional loss. Jesus suffered all of this and more. He understands what you’re going through. And supports those who lean on him.

He also suffered pain and unjust condemnation. And quietly accepted it as part of his mission.

He was mocked by his accusers and executed in the most brutal manner of the day. The one reserved for the most vile criminals.

And yet, he did so willingly. To take your place and mine. Because we are guilty of sin before God.

He suffered humiliation. Agonizing torture. Excruciating pain. And finally, death. At the hands of people who hated him. But he loved in return. People that wanted to kill him. But he wanted to save.

He died so we can live. And comforts those who turn to him.

When it hurts so bad you can’t stand it, know that Jesus mends broken hearts and offers peace

It’s a natural question when we suffer unjustly: Why, God, did you let that happen? Sometimes it takes years to receive an answer. Sometimes you never do.

The death Jesus suffered doesn’t make sense either. Why, God, did you let your own son die? He never wronged anyone. But compassionately healed. And taught people how to live relationally with one another. How to know and find peace with God.

It’s much more than inner peace. Or lack of conflict. But an incomprehensible peace. Where you are reconciled to God.

And that is the only answer for the death of Jesus. It is our emancipation from sin.

Therefore, Jesus knows the depth of your pain. And heals the brokenhearted.

When it hurts so bad you can’t stand it, know that Jesus offers joy and new purpose

The joy of the Lord strengthens you. It doesn’t replace sorrow or eliminate hurt. But you can experience joy in spite of them.

Because joy is not dependent on circumstances. It sees beyond them and is based on God’s promise of an eternal future. Where there is no more sorrow and no more pain.

However, God’s grace is present in this life too. Because He promises to make things work out for good. When you love and trust Him. And submit to His will.

Of course, none of this is easy. Or comes naturally.

You must act by faith. Believing that Jesus is God. And God is sovereign with an eternal plan that has your best interest in mind.

He is your source of strength. Provides reason for living. And hope for the future. Where all questions are answered. And healing is complete.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and freelance copywriter. He publishes humorous Christian drama, books, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

If The Easter Story Is Real

If The Easter Story Is Real

If the Easter story is real then it has an important meaning. One that extends from life on earth into eternity. It is this hope that millions of followers of Jesus live for. Many have died for. And why if the Easter story about a resurrected Savior is real, it should get your attention. Here are three meanings for you to consider.

If The Easter story is real it means God is pursuing you

The Easter story presents a radical idea. One you won’t find in any other religion or spiritual philosophy. That an Almighty God created you and loves you so deeply he came to earth in human form to tell you. Even more, demonstrated that love through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Other world religions and spiritual philosophies require you to pursue or placate a god. Unravel a spiritual mystery, or by your own effort, acquire some form of Godhood. Only in Christianity does God reveal himself, pursue you and declares it in his Word.

So if it’s real, then maybe you should stop running from, or ignoring God. And turn to meet him.

If the Easter story is real it means God has a plan for you

There’s a serious reason God is pursuing you and not waiting for you to reach him. Because you can’t. Scripture says it’s our sin that separates us from God. And only God can solve the problem.

That’s why Jesus came. To sacrifice himself and set us free from sin. It’s God’s eternal plan for you. To experience his freedom, forgiveness and to follow Jesus in a spiritual life of meaning and significance.

But it’s something you must want. Ask for. And receive from Jesus, the resurrected savior.

And when you do he leads you on a new path. Not always easy or pain free. But purposeful, joyful and totally worth it.

If the Easter story is real it means God has a future for you

But it’s not automatic. You must respond to God. Ask for a relationship with Jesus, and follow him. And the journey he leads you on is everlasting. In fact, one of the last things Jesus told his disciples on earth is that he was going ahead to prepare for them.

Because if Jesus was raised from the dead and appeared on earth in a resurrected body, then you can trust his promise that he will resurrect you too.

Easter was the fulfillment of Jesus’ mission. His crowning achievement. And while much of the world has mixed opinions, emotions, and beliefs about the Easter story, followers of Jesus are celebrating.

And why we proclaim with excitement on Easter Sunday: HE HAS RISEN INDEED!

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and freelance copywriter. He publishes humorous Christian drama, books and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

Four Reasons People Avoid Talking About Jesus

Four Reasons People Avoid Talking About Jesus

People avoid talking about Jesus. And that’s too bad. Because Jesus has the meaningful answers we seek. And don’t you naturally talk about someone who provides meaningful answers? Although there are probably many reasons why people avoid talking about Jesus, here are four I’ve observed.

People avoid talking about Jesus because his claims might be true

Jesus claimed to be God in human form. Wow! What a radical idea. God came to earth as an actual person? Was both fully God and man simultaneously?

A seemingly ludicrous and incomprehensible reality. And yet, there it is. Exactly what Jesus claimed among other things.

The religious leaders of his day tried to discredit him and failed. Couldn’t identify even one sin he had committed. Explain the empty tomb 3 days after his death and burial. Or suppress the claims of multiple people who saw him in a resurrected, human body.

And critics can’t disqualify him today either. So they settle for calling him a religious teacher and/or a good man rather than God.

But as C.S. Lewis pointed out in Mere Christianity, a good man would not falsely claim to be God. Such a man would be either a liar or a lunatic.

Which means the third option is still on the table. That Jesus really was God. And if true, it demands serious consideration. And requires a personal decision.

So people just avoid talking about him.

People avoid talking about Jesus because he presents a unifying message

Jesus said we are all sinners. All unrighteous. Equally condemned before God. And ultimately scheduled for judgement before God. It puts us on an even playing field. And unifies us in a common condition.

It should also give us pause on self-righteous name calling, virtue signaling and piling on in moral condemnation. Not to minimize sin or ignore justice. But to acknowledge we are all guilty of moral failure. Fall short of God’s glory. And Jesus, the only one who qualified as perfect, rather than condemn a guilty sinner, offered her grace.

It’s a positive, unifying and life-giving message we should shout at the top of our lungs!

Placing ourselves on higher moral ground than others creates separation. But people who repent of sin and seek reconciliation through Jesus Christ are unified.

And this, in turn, encourages humility, grace and compassion.

Of course, if unity is not your real agenda the best way to shut down the conversation is simply to avoid talking about Jesus.

People avoid talking about Jesus because he demands discipleship

This is where Jesus gets to the heart of the matter. Your heart. He wants to renew, transform and control it. The control part is where people balk.

Sure, Jesus. I’ll take your easy entrance plan into heaven. Make an occasional charitable donation. Attend church every…Christmas and Easter.

But not let you control of my life. Actually follow you. Especially if there’s a cost.

Because real discipleship is more than talk. It’s a daily walk. That may weave along difficult paths. And involve sacrifice. Although it’s a walk with God that is eternally rewarding.

But that all still sounds like quite a commitment. More than most people are ready to accept. So let’s focus our time and attention on other things. And just avoid talking about Jesus.

People avoid talking about Jesus to hide their faith

Peter was that person. I’ve been that person. Because the desire to fit in is strong. To belong. Even be considered cool. Sure. It’s okay to be a religious person. Just not too religious. Because you might be labelled a fanatic. And excluded from certain groups.

Therefore, I downplay my faith in Jesus. Avoid mentioning him as my Savior and Lord. An ordinary, normal looking nice guy. Dudley do right. Not some weird, Jesus freak.

Like Paul the apostle. That’s a guy who really put his faith on display. Openly talked about Jesus at every opportunity.

But not like Peter either. Who followed along the night Jesus was arrested and taken to the high priest’s house. And when asked three times if he was a follower of Jesus, denied it.

To avoid talking about Jesus is just, well, maintaining a low profile. Of course, there will be a final place I want to fit in too. And a moment before I enter when I face Jesus and he speaks up for me.

Surely Jesus won’t hold that silence against me. Will he?

Obviously, talking about Jesus in today’s cultural climate requires discretion and courage. A sense of urgency about sharing his message. And a commitment to obedience over acceptance.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at www.chiptudor.com, books on Amazon.com, and articles on his blog.

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Lessons From Jesus And The Adulterous Woman

Lessons From Jesus And The Adulterous Woman

Story of Jesus and the adulterous woman

The Bible story of Jesus and the adulterous woman has something to teach us today. It describes an encounter between Jesus and Jewish religious leaders who demanded his judgement over a women caught in adultery. But the lessons go beyond that.

The Bible Story Of Jesus And The Adulterous Woman Demonstrates That God Lets You Write A New Story

During this time period, adultery was a sin with a penalty of death by stoning. And the religious leaders presented to Jesus an offender caught in the act. An open and shut case. All Jesus had to do was pronounce judgement to end the story.

But he didn’t. Why?

Because God wrote a new story with Jesus as the central character. He understands we sin. Has compassion for us. And the new story is the gospel. The good news that Jesus is the Son of God who sacrificed his life for our sin.

And because of his story, the woman could change her story.

So Jesus put the religious leaders on pause by turning the tables on them. God has a way of doing that too.

The Bible Story Of Jesus And The Adulterous Woman Demonstrates That God’s Grace Covers All Sin

Of course, the religious leaders weren’t really interested in the woman’s sin. They were challenging Jesus. Out to trip him up. Was he really serious about God’s laws? Prepared to follow through and pronounce judgment? Or would he try to wiggle out of it in the name of love?

Even today, the tug of war between God’s law and God’s grace pulls us back and forth. And Jesus appeared trapped in a no win situation.

But Jesus didn’t get rattled. Act defensive or uptight. Instead, he stooped and wrote in the dirt. We can only speculate what it said. Perhaps, he listed some sins of the accusers. The top 10 count down songs of the day. Maybe he just doodled as he prayed for a wise answer.

And when he stood, he delivered it with a divine, counter punch that challenged the moral purity of the accusers.

Maybe a good test for you and me? Before we jump on the bandwagon of our own virtue and condemn someone else, perhaps we should first consider our own righteousness?

The point is, we all sin. And the sacrifice of Jesus covers it all. There remains, of course, a tug of war between law and grace. Scripture teaches both are important. And the challenge is to avoid leaning too far either way.

The Bible Story Of Jesus And The Adulterous Woman Demonstrates That God Calls Us To Moral Purity

Although Jesus did not condemn the women, he acknowledged her sinful behavior. And challenged her to change her story by saying, “go and sin no more.”

Did she begin a new life or go right back to the old one? We don’t know. But she had the opportunity. We all do.

Ultimately, God will judge. But he prefers to offer grace. Change stories. Provide second chances. That’s what the gospel story is about.

So yes. God understands we are sinners. And has compassion for us. But that doesn’t mean he accepts a sinful lifestyle. Rather, he calls us to strive for moral excellence.

The apostle Paul compares it to a long distance race. That’s what a relationship with Jesus involves. To strive for righteousness as a Christ-follower. Knowing you won’t always succeed. But you press forward anyway. Because the stakes are high. And the rewards eternal.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at www.chiptudor.com, books on Amazon.com, and articles on his blog.

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