by Chip Tudor | Feb 18, 2015
Theme: Outside of the absolute Word of God, truth is untrustworthy. (Romans 9:6-13)
Characters: Two males, two females
Length: 5 – 6 minutes
Scene/Props: This is a reader’s theater. No props or staging is needed.
Synopsis: This reader’s theater script supports the doctrine that the Bible communicates absolute truth. Outside the Word of God, truth is difficult to trust.
(Readers are positioned in a line across the front platform.)
One: Truth…
Three: Is important.
Two: To say what you mean…
Four: And mean what you say.
Three: If you can’t believe what people say…
Four: How can you trust anyone?
One: How can you believe in anything?
Two: We live in a constantly changing world…
Three: With changing values.
One: Some say truth changes with circumstances…
Four: That truth is relative.
One: Not my relatives.
Three: Then maybe, truth is a matter of perception.
Two: Manipulate the words…
Four: Manage the perception.
Two: Truth then is optional…
Four: Political…
One: Practical…
by Chip Tudor | Feb 18, 2015
Theme: There’s no specific theme. It’s intended as a humorous addition to a larger Christmas program and works for any age group in a variety of settings.
Characters: Two people of any gender and age. The key is for them to have an obvious chemistry: i.e. Two siblings, parent/child, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc. (be imaginative)
Length: 5 – 6 minutes
Scene/Props: The Night Before Christmas poem, A large children’s book (use the book as a prop or make a prop book) and a comfortable reading chair.
Synopsis: A couple read the traditional Night Before Christmas poem to the audience. Dale has a business-like approach, but Carolyn keeps interrupting with questions and comments that create a humorous exchange.
Note: The more you distinguish the two characters, the more humor you’ll create. As an alternative, eliminate the chair and have them stand. Use a reading stand for the book and let the second character turn pages.
(Dale and Carolyn enter together. Dale maintains an attitude of complete seriousness. He has a job to do and is all business. Carolyn also appears serious on the surface, but there’s mischievousness about her.)
Dale: As part of our celebration of the Christmas season, we’d like to read a favorite, traditional classic.
(He sits with exaggerated seriousness. Carolyn stands next to the arm of the chair as if in support. She’s serious too, but it’s a mock seriousness.)
Dale: (with much drama) T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The stockings were hung—
Carolyn: What would a mouse be stirring?
(Dale pauses. He’s caught off guard, almost surprised as he was completely immersed in the dramatic reading)
Dale: What do mean what would a mouse be stirring?
Carolyn: Would it be coffee, eggnog, or what?
Dale: He wasn’t stirring anything.
Carolyn: I know that. It says right there the mouse wasn’t stirring. My question is: what would he stir if he was stirring. Do mice drink coffee?
by Chip Tudor | Feb 18, 2015
Theme: Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ and the salvation he offers.
Length: 2-3 minutes
Characters: Six different people. This one used youth
Scenes/Props: None
Synopsis: This reader theater script was used to begin a Christmas program.
(Readers position themselves as a line across the stage. The capitalized word in the first three lines is the one emphasized)
One: WHAT is Christmas?
Two: What IS Christmas?
Three: What is CHRISTMAS?
Four: Uh, would you repeat the question?
Four: Okay…I get it.
Five: Christmas is for kids.
Six: I thought Trix was for kids.
One: Okay, you guys, let’s get cereal…I mean, serious.
Three: Yes, this conversation is getting flakey.
Five: What I mean is that kids love Christmas because they get presents.
Six: I like presents.
One: And Christmas is about the most important present of all—the gift of eternal life.
Two: But more importantly, it’s the birth of our Savior.
Three: He’s the one who brought the gift.
Five: So Christmas is not just for kids, it’s for everyone.
by Chip Tudor | Feb 18, 2015
Theme: Refusing to tithe is stealing from God
Length: 4-5 minutes
2 males, 3 females
A department store with 3 racks of clothing. You’ll also need name brand shopping bags and one very ugly type of garment.
Three teenagers shop while nearby, a security agent tries to catch a shoplifter. The kids discuss tithing versus not tithing and one teen is self-righteous when the shoplifter is caught. But in a twist, her own hypocrisy in stealing from God is exposed.
(MIKE enters and approaches Alice who is shopping.)
Mike: Hi Alice. Finding any bargains?
Alice: There are no bargains in a store like this, Mike. It’s all about image.
(Mike looks at a price tag and then holds it to his head like an astrology reader)
Mike: Yes, and the image I see is bankruptcy.
Alice: (Pats him on the shoulder with mocking attitude) Don’t worry. You still have Wal-mart.
Mike: (Jingles coins in his pocket) Which means I also have change.
Alice: Awesome. You can buy a corn dog in their cafeteria.
(They move to the rack following Freda who grabs a garment and thrusts it in her bag)
Alice: Did you see that? She’s stealing!
Alice: (to Freda) Excuse me—
Agent: (stops Alice and shows his badge) Security. I’m all over it. Just act natural.
Alice: But she—
Agent: (with authority) Act natural.
by Chip Tudor | Feb 18, 2015
Theme: Spiritual growth involves regular, personal Bible Study.
Length: 3.5 – 4 minutes
Characters: 2 actors, male or female
Scene/Props: Small work table, tool belt, hammer, saw, tape measure, etc.
This funny man, straight man routine communicates that discipleship involves consistent, personal Bible Study. Melvin, however, approaches it like he is undertaking a woodshop project. We added an element of humor by having the Music Minister play the straight person.
Melvin ENTERS wearing a fully equipped tool belt. He carries a small work bench and a set of blue prints.
Melvin: (singing) Left a good job in the city. Working for the man every night and day…
Minister: Melvin.
(Melvin doesn’t hear. He’s totally into the song.)
Melvin: And I never lost one minute of sleeping worrying about the way things might have been…
Minister: (louder) Melvin.
Melvin: Big wheels keep on turnin, proud Mary keep on burnin. Rollin, rollin, rollin on the—
Minister: (shouting) Melvin!
(Melvin stops and looks at the Music Minister, but just has to finish.) River.
Minister: Melvin, would you mind telling me what you’re doing…besides singing very badly.
Melvin: I’m going to work.
Minister: I can see that. But what are you working on?
Melvin: The Bible. We are at church, you know. (Checks all his equipment) Let’s see. I got my hammer, tape measure, pencil. Am I missing anything?
Minister: How about a Bible?
Melvin: Oh yeah. (Pulls out a pocket New Testament and blows off the dust)