The Question Jesus Asked We All Must Answer

The Question Jesus Asked We All Must Answer

The question Jesus asked we all must answer is presented in Matthew 16:13-16. Do you know how you will answer it?

The question Jesus asked we all must answer was presented to his disciples

Jesus did not directly and publicly announce he was the Messiah. The Son of God. He was subtle and indirect, but when you examine scripture, he makes it clear that’s exactly who he was. And he carried himself in a confident manner that demonstrated he was fully aware of his identity and his mission. The one we celebrate on Easter.

How we answer his question is significant. And it’s important to understand the importance of the question and its answer.

Jesus asked it when he and the disciples appeared to be hanging out. A casual question in a relaxed, informal moment. But it was pointed and direct. Not rhetorical or philosophical. He wanted a specific answer with a complete commitment. The future of each disciple’s ministry and the future of the Kingdom of God depended on it.

The question Jesus asked we all must answer has one correct answer

However, Jesus wanted more than the glib answer to a Sunday school question you’ve answered a thousand times. He wanted gut check honesty from the heart. So he didn’t ask a leading question that contained the answer in it. Or provide a clue. Perhaps that’s why he referred to himself as the “Son of Man.” They had to come up with “God” on their own.

So, the disciples played it cool and offered a variety of answers. They named off John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah. All religious Hall of Famers and therefore, safe, Sunday School answers.

People today play it cool too. Ask, “Who do you say Jesus is?” and answers include things like a…

  • Good man
  • Spiritual leader
  • Prophet
  • Moral teacher

And yet, none are sufficient. It’s like comparing Jesus to Mother Teresa or Billy Graham. Both are considered Hall of Famers among Christians today. But they were still sinners and didn’t come close to the perfect life of Jesus. Or his crowning achievement–resurrection from the dead.

And while people today will admit there is something special about Jesus. Something remarkably undeniable. They stop short of declaring him the Son of God. And are especially uncomfortable on how he himself presses for the answer. And demands exclusive allegiance in John 14:6.

Still, it’s a simple question. True or false. Yes or no. Right or wrong. And we all have a 50% chance of getting it right.

The question Jesus asked we all must answer will determine our eternal destination

Contrary to a popular belief, Jesus doesn’t meet you at the Pearly Gates with a spiritual weight scale to weigh all your good deeds against your bad deeds. And when the good deeds outweigh the bad deeds you get in.

Entrance into heaven is based on who you know. Specifically, do you know Jesus?

And it has to be more than head knowledge. Like how you know about Abraham Lincoln. You have to know Jesus like someone you actually care about and spend time with. Jesus himself said in Matthew 7:21-23 there are people in for an unpleasant surprise because they never understood the difference between the two. And never formed a real relationship with him. Even though that’s exactly what he wants with you and me.

Can you imagine the horror? The utter despair? You thought you had it all figured out. The highest expectations for eternal bliss. Only to find out you got it all wrong?

So you can ignore the question. Pretend he didn’t ask it. Or simply blow it off. But you can’t avoid it. Because one day we will all face him and have to answer when he asks: WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

Three Parables Jesus Taught About Lost And Found

Three Parables Jesus Taught About Lost And Found

Three parables Jesus taught about lost and found are recorded in Luke 15. They include a lost sheep, lost coin, and lost son. Here are lessons they teach us.

Three parables Jesus taught about lost and found includes a lost sheep

Sheep have no natural protection from predators and rely completely on the care and protection of shepherds. They know their shepherd and recognize his voice, but graze with head down following one clump of grass to the next. So it’s easy for them to wander slowly away from the flock and become lost.

We have a similar problem. We mean to follow Jesus who is our good shepherd. But don’t consistently listen to his voice and wander away from his loving care pursuing one tempting morsel after another.

And what does the shepherd in the parable do when he realizes a sheep is missing? He leaves the whole flock to rescue the one.

It demonstrates the depth of God’s love for of us. When we wander off, he immediately sets out to bring each one back.

A story Jesus taught is about a lost coin

A coin, however, is an inanimate object. It lacks self-awareness, doesn’t know if it’s lost or found, or care either way. But the woman in the story cared a great deal. She made it a priority to search and was thrilled when she found it.

Likewise, many people today have no idea they are spiritually lost. Or understand what it means. They don’t attend church, read the Bible, or follow any religion. They may have a vague and perhaps unsettling sense that something is not right. And occasionally reflect on life’s ultimate meaning. but don’t dwell on it and quickly move on to other matters.

But our awareness or lack of awareness doesn’t matter. Lostness is a human condition because of sin. And God is on a search and rescue mission for our souls.

The question is…do you want God to find you?

Jesus told a story about a lost son

This parable differs from the other two because it involves an existing relationship between father and son. And the son doesn’t just wander off. He leaves in complete awareness and open rebellion towards the father. Rather than protest, the father gives the son what he wants and lets him go.

And the father does not search for the son. Why? Because the son willingly chose to leave and had to willingly return.

The parable demonstrates the allure but unsatisfying nature of sensual pleasure. The son discovered this when he ran out of money and ended up living in squalor And when he finally reached rock bottom, he returned to his father in humility, acknowledging his sin, and seeking forgiveness.

And the father, who waited patiently, ran to meet his son and celebrated his return. The story illustrates God’s desire for a relationship with each one of us. But he lets us choose. And he celebrates it when we choose him.

So what’s your story? Are you the coin, the sheep, or the son? The good news is that it doesn’t matter. God is looking for you. Waiting for you. And anxious to celebrate your return. But it’s your choice and the next step is up to you.

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

When Jesus Healed A Woman’s Blood Disorder

When Jesus Healed A Woman’s Blood Disorder

When Jesus healed a woman’s blood disorder. It’s a story found in Luke 8:43-48 that demonstrates the compassion and care God has for every person.

When Jesus healed a woman’s blood disorder. It was a story within a story.

When Jesus healed a women’s blood disorder, he was actually on his way to heal someone else. He was responding to Jairus who was identified as a ruler of the temple. Jairus implored Jesus to go with him and heal his seriously ill daughter who was at home.

Jesus agreed and followed Jairus, pressed in closely by a crowd. And within that crowd was a woman with an incurable, blood flow condition. Down to her last penny. Her last hope. And final choice. Jesus had healed so many other people, surely he could heal her too.

Her blood flow made her ceremonially unclean. A social outcast. And she shouldn’t even be among people in a public setting. But she was desperate. Probably trying to keep a low profile and avoid calling attention to herself and blend into the crowd. But if only…if only she could get close enough…reach far enough…and just touch his clothes. That was all it would take.

When Jesus healed a woman’s blood disorder. It demonstrated that Jesus gives us his full attention

He felt the power leave him

Likely, Jairus and Jesus were in a hurry. But still, Jesus paused. He felt his divine, healing power flow out of him and wanted to know whose touch caused it. And it raises a question because in such close quarters, many people must have brushed against him. What made this touch different? In other words, why did his healing power not flow out on every random touch?

Of course, the mystery of why God miraculously heals some and not others still puzzles us today. But what is clear from the story is how deeply God individually cares about every person. He didn’t let the social status of Jairus take priority over the woman’s need. He stopped and gave her his full attention.

And it demonstrated something else. Jesus cared about her physical need, but even more about her spiritual need. Because physical healing lasts only for this life while spiritual healing lasts for eternity. So our spiritual need is always God’s greatest priority.

When Jesus healed a woman’s blood disorder. It demonstrated the power of faith

Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace

Jesus says what made the touch different. The woman’s action demonstrated her faith. The Bible has much to say about faith. Especially the importance of putting our faith in action. And the woman did so in a bold and risky manner. Of course, faith doesn’t guarantee a miraculous physical healing in every case. But it does guarantee a spiritual healing.

And notice that Jesus called her “daughter.” A term of endearment. Of intimate, personal relationship. And of complete acceptance and unconditional love.

The word for “peace” is the Greek eirene and primarily communicates the idea of a lack of conflict and hostility. However, the Hebrew word for peace is Shalom and carries the idea of wellbeing and a right relationship. And specifically, a right relationship with God. In other words, peace with God means you are in a right relationship with God.

That is the essence of Biblical faith. The woman’s faith in this story didn’t just heal her physically, but also spiritually in her relationship with God. And is where you experience the most complete sense of peace.

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

How Jesus Handled Racism, Women’s Equality, and Sin

How Jesus Handled Racism, Women’s Equality, and Sin

How Jesus handled racism, women’s equality, and sin. It’s all demonstrated in John 4:1-42 when he interacts with a Samaritan woman at a well. She was first a woman, second a Samaritan and lastly a sinner. But Jesus invited her into a life changing redemptive relationship.

How Jesus handled racism, women’s equality, and sin. He treated a Samaritan as a person rather than an ethnic group

Racism is not new. Samaritan’s and Jews were two ancient, ethnic groups with a long history of animosity for one another. Although they had a common heritage, Jews considered Samaritans unclean because they were interracially mixed. In fact, some Jewish religious leaders traveled roads that went around Samaria even when the road through it was shorter.

But not Jesus.

He acted like he expected to meet the Samaritan women at the well and was keeping an appointment. And when she arrived with her water container, he initiated the conversation.

She acted surprised in her response that pointed out their differences in gender and race. But Jesus had another conversation in mind. Because his interest went beyond the barriers of race and gender to the barrier that separated her from God.

“If you knew who was asking you, you would ask for living water.”

Now Jesus moves into a spiritual conversation that takes a personal interest in her. Not that racism and women’s equality weren’t important. But that her eternal destination was more important. And it required addressing the condition of her heart.

How Jesus handled racism, women’s equality, and sin. He didn’t address women’s rights, he addressed women with individual respect

Women’s rights were also restricted during the time of Jesus. Women were separated from men in private, public, and religious life. And denied many of the privileges afforded to men. For example, when out in public during the day, women were expected to wear a veil and refrain from talking to men.

 It was also common for women to draw water during the morning in groups. Part work, part social time. The fact this woman was alone at midday suggests she was probably a social outcast. But Jesus didn’t let any of that deter him. Because he cared more about the woman’s soul.

And now he had her attention. She’s intrigued but still challenges him. Living water? He has nothing to even draw water from this well. And she steers the conversation back to race by pointing out their common ancestry in Jacob. Although Jesus steers back to the spiritual.

“Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

And now, the woman’s deep, spiritual thirst is exposed.

“Sir, give me this water, so that I will not be thirsty or have to come here to draw water.”

She’s ready to accept Jesus’ offer. But first she must confront her spiritual barrier.

Jesus didn’t overlook sin but offered something better

Jesus told her to get her husband and now she must admit the truth. She’s living in a sinful relationship. And while Jesus does not condemn her sin, he makes her confront it. Because sin was the barrier that separated her from God. And the same is true for you and me.

As Paul points out in Romans 3:23, we are all guilty of it. But Jesus is the solution and the one who presents a better offer. And that is forgiveness and eternal life for all who ask for it.

It’s not specifically stated, but it’s clear the woman was changed by her encounter with Jesus. She excitedly told all the people in town and brought them out to meet Jesus. And many of them believed in him too.

So while racism and women’s equality are both issues that need to be addressed among a long list of others. The one few people want to address but Jesus does is sin. It is the source where everything that’s wrong in the world comes from. And we are all guilty. But will experience forgiveness. When you humble yourself, confess your sin, and ask for it from Jesus.

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle: Part Two

God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle: Part Two

God’s equipment for spiritual battle is described in the book of Ephesians 6:10-18. And is most commonly known among Christians as Putting On the Armor of God.

It represents God’s protection for Christ-followers when fighting spiritual battles. In part one, I talked about the first three pieces of armor. Here are the other pieces.

God’s equipment for spiritual battle takes up the shield of faith

The Roman shield was large enough to cover the entire body. It was made of wood and bound together at the top and bottom with metal bands. And when dipped in water, could extinguish flaming arrows from the enemy.

What are those fiery darts Paul describes in v.16?

The possibilities are endless and different for all of us. But probably best represented by the areas where you are most vulnerable to attack.

Perhaps the doubt, fear, or discouragement the enemy jabs at you. A bad habit you can’t conquer. The lies he whispers in your ear about yourself. Or hurtful words hurled at you by someone else.

Faith is your vote of confidence in God. Where you remind yourself you are covered by God’s grace. Secure in the grip of His love and the assurance He has your back. And that you are destined for His eternal presence.

God’s equipment for spiritual battle includes the helmet of salvation

Satan tries to get into your head. Mess with your mind. Psych you out. He knows if you are saved through Jesus Christ, he can’t pluck you out of God’s hand. Your eternal destiny is secure. So his strategy is to confuse you. Confound you. And drag you down through sin so you’re ineffective for God’s Kingdom.

But knowing your salvation is secure gives you confidence in your fight. Because even though you are still a sinner, and will continue to sin, God’s power helps you resist temptations. And win some of those sin battles too.

In other words, the helmet of salvation is eternal, but also saves you from the power of sin in this life. And encourages you to press on in the fight.

God’s equipment for spiritual battle wields the sword of the spirit

The Bible is God’s word. His truth. And final authority on all subject matter related to this life. God promises it won’t return to him void.

It is your one offensive weapon in spiritual battles. And it’s impossible for Satan to refute. But be warned. He also knows it well and will twist its meaning to serve his purpose. Satan’s allies will do the same.

But it was the authority Jesus turned to when he was tempted by Satan. And King David kept close for use in his own spiritual battles.

Because God’s word penetrates to the soul. Judges the heart. And reveals God’s love and purpose for mankind. Rather than fight in the power of human reasoning, it equips you with the truth and wisdom of God.

Study it. Seek to know it. And memorize it. Because it is THE ANSWER, when you don’t have an answer.

Prayer is not equipment but is critical in spiritual warfare

Prayer may not be equipment, but it is a valuable weapon in spiritual battles. Because it aligns you with the will of God. Activates His power. And keeps you in His safeguarding presence.

More than simply regular habit. It should be a constant conversation with your eternal, loving Father.

Your direct source to God for His strength in the fight.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.