Find God’s Purpose In Life

Find God’s Purpose In Life

Find God’s Purpose and you’ll experience a life full of peace, contentment and joy. But how? Here are some thoughts to guide you.

You’ll Find God’s Purpose Revealed Through Scripture

People often approach the search for God’s purpose like it’s mystical. Revealed through dreams, visions and signs. Yes. The Bible is full of stories where God used these methods to reveal His purpose. And He still uses them today. But they are the exception and not the rule.

Because more commonly, God’s purpose is practical and ordinary.

And interwoven throughout scripture. In its commands and teachings on how to treat others, demonstrate Godly character and follow Jesus Christ.

One act, following another in a life that honors God according to His purpose.

It’s less about discovering God’s grand scheme for your life and more about faithful discipleship. Like what does it actually look like in practical terms to love your neighbor? And as you respond to what God reveals in scripture, you will become more sensitive to the mysterious urgings of His Spirit.

You’ll Find God’s Purpose By Joining Where He Is Already At Work

The late Henry Blackaby said this in his Experiencing God discipleship curriculum. Although he specifically referenced the will of God, I think its simple, yet profound advice applies here too. God is still active in the world. And visible to those who want to serve Him.

So pay attention to where He is obviously working. In Gospel driven organizations like The Christian Appalachian Project, Samaritan’s Purse and Mercy Ships. In local ministries in your community. Even within your church. And join the effort in some capacity.

I had a seminary professor who offered this advice. Find what you do best that can influence the most people for the Kingdom of God…and do it. Brilliant! And so simple. Is there a skill, talent or ability you can use for God’s glory? It doesn’t matter if someone else is better at it than you. The point is…it’s what YOU do best.

Find it and do it. And you’ll experience an even greater blessing by doing something you enjoy.

You’ll Find God’s Purpose Through An Eternal Perspective

Most of God’s ways are beyond our comprehension. Because God is eternal. And so is His purpose for you and this universe.

Therefore, a search for purpose must be viewed from an eternal perspective. By faith. Keeping in mind that God’s ultimate purpose includes all humanity and the entire cosmos.

So if your perspective considers only yourself and life on earth, you should think much bigger. Or the purpose you find will be limited at best. And at worst, completely miss the many blessings and opportunities God has planned for you.

Does God have a special purpose for you? Perhaps. On the other hand, He may simply expect you to respond faithfully to what is revealed in His word.

In humble satisfaction that it is more than enough.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.

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The Positive Effect When You Celebrate With Others

The Positive Effect When You Celebrate With Others

Woman celebrate with others

When you celebrate with others, you create a positive effect. Like tossing a rock into a pond, it creates affirming ripples that benefit everyone.

When You Celebrate With Others You Lift Them Up

I had a conversation one day with the father of two elementary age boys. He enthusiastically described their soccer skills during a recent game where both scored multiple goals.

He talked with fatherly pride. Celebrating their victory and development as budding athletes.

I understood where he was coming from. As parents raising a family, we celebrate when our children succeed. And invest in their lives to help them learn, develop and grow. Because we want to see them live productive, fulfilling lives.

And I celebrated with him. Congratulating him on the win and success of his boys. Like a cheering fan. And affirmed him as a good dad. For taking the time to coach his sons and teach them how to play the game.

It’s what all parents need. To be cheered on. Encouraged. Congratulated. Because parenting is a tough job. And the encouragement lifted him up. His smile broadened. His eyes filled with joy as he cherished the moment. No, he didn’t always get it right. But this time he did. And my participation in the celebration made it even sweeter.

When You Celebrate with Others It Blesses You

Celebrating with others is not always easy. Or come naturally. Because we tend to compare and compete. And feel threatened when another person out succeeds us.

But when you celebrate with others, it’s like an antidote. Because as you lift them up through celebration, it lifts you up too.

And in a day when tearing others down is the norm, there is a desperate need for people who build others up. That understand life is not all about them. Or meant for us to go it alone. But that God designed us to live in community. To support one another. And we are better together rather than apart.

When You Celebrate With Others You Generate A Positive Influence

When you celebrate with others you recognize their worth and value. You affirm their importance as a person made in the image of God.

I was in the check-out line of the grocery store one day. And both the cashier and the bagger were high school age young men. Working jobs I knew easily grew boring and monotonous. Scanning and bagging an assembly line of products for eight hours.

But these two young men were energetic and on task. And worked with speed and efficiency as they checked me out in record time.

I smiled when they finished. Thanked them. And commented how well they worked together as a team. And the positive effect was immediate. They straightened. Grinned at one another with a sense of pride. And checked out the customer behind me even faster.

It was a small celebration with a big impact. And that’s the point. When you celebrate with others you spread positive goodwill. Something most of us will probably agree we can use more of.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.

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The Unfathomable Mystery And Power In Praising God

The Unfathomable Mystery And Power In Praising God

Woman with hand raised power in praising God
Photo by Jasmin Ne on Unsplash

There is power in praising God. An unfathomable mystery. And the impact on those who praise Him is both misunderstood and underestimated.

The Power In Praising God Connects You To His Presence

Sing to him, sing praises to him; tell of all his wondrous works! Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually. –Psalm 105:2,4

God is a person. Not a thing. An it. Or institution. He has emotions. And a unique character. Yes, it’s different than ours. Because He is perfect and holy. Which means he is completely consistent in his person. Because unlike us, his actions and emotions are never arbitrary or capricious. Yet, amazingly, he desires a personal relationship with you and me.

And praise ushers you into his presence.

Where you are humbled by his infinite greatness. Amid an almighty presence of power and love. And your shroud of darkness falls away. So you glimpse God’s glory.

The Power In Praising God Fills You With Awe And Wonder

You who fear the Lord, praise him! All you offspring of Jacob, glorify him and stand in awe of him, all you offspring of Israel! –Psalm 22:23

Have you ever gazed out at the ocean where blue sky and blue water meet in an indistinguishable line? Tried to count the stars in the night sky? Beheld the majestic beauty of the Grand Canyon? In amazement?

Perhaps it gives you pause and a sense of perspective. As you’re suddenly aware of your finite smallness. Hardly able to comprehend, the magnitude of a God that simply speaks it all into existence.

But rather than find yourself overwhelmed by insignificance, you are reminded this very God loves you. Cares about you. And wants you to personally know and walk with him in fellowship.

Praise is your transport. It fills your mind with awe and wonder. As your heart overflows with humility and gratitude. Because you know you’re loved, valued and accepted. And you’re inspired to be better. Do better. And love better.

The Power In Praising God Is Spiritually Renewing

Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love, for his wondrous works to the children of man! For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things. –Psalm 107: 8-9

Praising God is not just about him. It also spiritually recharges you. And is what you are designed for. God created you and through praise he recreates you. Because life both wears you down and wears you out. But praise is your renewable, spiritual energy source.

It lets you refocus your thoughts on God and reorient your life on the things of God. Like a reset to original specifications. It keeps you in sync with God’s purpose for your life. Which makes it more meaningful, joyful and fulfilling.

Praise is the path to the ultimate desire for every person…the satisfaction of a longing, hungry soul.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.

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What The Bible Story Of David And Bathsheba Teaches About Faithfulness To God

What The Bible Story Of David And Bathsheba Teaches About Faithfulness To God

Couple together Bible Story Of David And Bathsheba

The Bible story of David and Bathsheba teaches about faithfulness to God. Yes, it’s a story about faithfulness in marriage. But the covenant of marriage is used in the Bible to illustrate the covenant between God and His followers. The result when faithfulness is broken. And how it can be restored.

The Bible Story Of David And Bathsheba Teaches That Failure in Faithfulness Is Not A Deal Breaker

What a relief, right? Because we’ve all been unfaithful to God in some way. Maybe not in marriage. But in a multitude of others. You pick.

And there’s irony in the story. Because David’s whole rise to fame and popularity was because of his faithfulness to God. He killed Goliath in an epic, one on one battle. And from there, he distinguished himself as a military leader and was eventually crowned the king of Israel.

Where he had it all. Money. Power. And God’s blessing in his life.

And yet, he messed up royally by seducing the wife of one of his soldiers. She became pregnant. And to cover it up he had the man killed.

It’s a sober reminder. We’re all one bad decision away from destroying our lives. And yet, while David violated his faithfulness, God does not completely shut him off. Not because of David, but who God is. A heavenly Father full of grace and mercy. Who wants to restore us.

The Bible Story Of David And Bathsheba Teaches Faithfulness To God Strives for A Proactive Spiritual Life

How did David create such a mess in the first place? He started by slacking on self-discipline. When he should have been out leading his army, he elected to stay home and take it easy. And became passive, bored and self-indulgent.

Sure. It’s okay to take vacations. Enjoy pleasurable activities. Pursue things you like. But ongoing faithfulness to God requires spiritual self-discipline.

David let down his guard. Like we all do at times.

Which is why faithfulness to God requires spiritual diligence. And is best practiced in a proactive manner. Rather than focusing on the negative—what are the things I shouldn’t do? It focuses on the positive—what are the things I should do?

The Bible Story Of David And Bathsheba Teaches That Faithfulness To God Is Restored Through Humility and Repentance

David was confronted with his sin by the prophet Nathan. Did David know he was sinning with Bathsheba? Probably. Just like we often know when we are sinning, but choose to ignore or rationalize it. Maybe David was doing the same thing.

But to his credit, when confronted by the prophet Nathan, he quickly confessed and repented of his sin. And that is the key to restoring a relationship with God.

The Story Of David And Bathsheba Teaches That Faithfulness To God Accepts But Is Not Defined By Consequences

The child born out of David’s sinful behavior died shortly after birth. David accepted the consequences and then worshipped God.

In other words, David did not let his sin define him. He didn’t make excuses, shift the blame or let the consequences keep him from pursuing God.

He returned to a life of faithfulness to God. Which is why he is called a man after God’s own heart.

And the story offers hope to all of us. Because despite our best intentions, we all still sin. But God’s grace is abundant and his forgiveness unmeasured. So even when we fail, we can return to a life of faithfulness to God.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.

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What’s The Big Idea Behind A Biblical Worldview?

What’s The Big Idea Behind A Biblical Worldview?

What’s the big idea behind a Biblical Worldview? Actually, the Bible presents many big ideas. But here are three foundational to the Christian faith.

A Big Idea Behind A Biblical Worldview Is Authority

The Bible teaches that God is perfect, all powerful, all knowing and everywhere at once. Concepts that are impossible for my mind to grasp. But the big idea I can grasp is that God is the ultimate authority.

Furthermore, the Bible insists the scriptures are His authoritative word. His absolute truth. That’s why Christ-followers read, study and quote the Bible. It provides practical guidance and insightful instructions to follow.

Not because God is a control freak. But because scripture tells us how to live in community and get along with one another.

So we submit first to God’s ultimate authority and then to civil government that is granted authority by God. And we can resist civil authority only when it abuses its power and violates God’s ultimate authority.

And since God’s word is absolute truth, we can’t just arbitrarily reject the parts we don’t like. Toss out what doesn’t fit into our personal worldview. Because God’s word, like God is unchanging.

But here’s the problem. Modern society and its ideas do change. And are now changing rapidly. That’s why the Biblical worldview and modern culture worldview are clashing. And the sound is growing louder.

A Big Idea Behind A Biblical Worldview Is Sanctity

Sanctity begins with a sense of reverence. First, reverence for a Holy God. The creator and sustainer of life.

God ascribes value to every human life. From within the womb to the end of life.

And because He does, we should too. Value it. Protect it. And work to promote human flourishing around the world.

But sanctity extends beyond the physical world to the spiritual form of holiness.

For many, holiness conjures up images of self-righteous people preaching hellfire and brimstone.

But the idea behind holiness is to be set apart. Not pretentious perfection. As if Christ-followers are morally superior. Rather, it’s understanding that in striving to imitate Jesus, your life should resemble his. Not perfectly, but in a recognizable form.

A Big Idea Behind A Biblical Worldview Is Discipleship

In simple terms, a disciple is a follower. Someone who accepts the teaching of a spiritual leader and commits to following them.

Biblical discipleship is a proactive walk of faith. It recognizes that Christ-followers are transformed by the Spirit of Christ. But it is an ongoing process of spiritual development. One where no one arrives in this life. But complete the journey when we meet him in person.

In a Biblical worldview, Jesus Christ is the leader we follow. Who expects his followers to obey his teachings.

Discipleship is a voluntary commitment. And yet it is demanding. Unyielding in its standards. And one that Jesus warned, would have a cost. Doesn’t sound all that inviting does it?

And yet it is a source of earthly joy, purpose, meaning and hope towards an eternal life. And that’s actually pretty cool sounding.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.

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And I’ll send you my article: Exaggerate to Make Your Presentations Funny. You’ll learn how to punch up your presentations with humor.