Theme: Outside of the absolute Word of God, truth is untrustworthy. (Romans 9:6-13)
Characters: Two males, two females
Length: 5 – 6 minutes
Scene/Props: This is a reader’s theater. No props or staging is needed.
Synopsis: This reader’s theater script supports the doctrine that the Bible communicates absolute truth. Outside the Word of God, truth is difficult to trust.
(Readers are positioned in a line across the front platform.)
One: Truth…
Three: Is important.
Two: To say what you mean…
Four: And mean what you say.
Three: If you can’t believe what people say…
Four: How can you trust anyone?
One: How can you believe in anything?
Two: We live in a constantly changing world…
Three: With changing values.
One: Some say truth changes with circumstances…
Four: That truth is relative.
One: Not my relatives.
Three: Then maybe, truth is a matter of perception.
Two: Manipulate the words…
Four: Manage the perception.
Two: Truth then is optional…
Four: Political…
One: Practical…