The question Jesus asked we all must answer is presented in Matthew 16:13-16. Do you know how you will answer it?
The question Jesus asked we all must answer was presented to his disciples
Jesus did not directly and publicly announce he was the Messiah. The Son of God. He was subtle and indirect, but when you examine scripture, he makes it clear that’s exactly who he was. And he carried himself in a confident manner that demonstrated he was fully aware of his identity and his mission. The one we celebrate on Easter.
How we answer his question is significant. And it’s important to understand the importance of the question and its answer.
Jesus asked it when he and the disciples appeared to be hanging out. A casual question in a relaxed, informal moment. But it was pointed and direct. Not rhetorical or philosophical. He wanted a specific answer with a complete commitment. The future of each disciple’s ministry and the future of the Kingdom of God depended on it.
The question Jesus asked we all must answer has one correct answer
However, Jesus wanted more than the glib answer to a Sunday school question you’ve answered a thousand times. He wanted gut check honesty from the heart. So he didn’t ask a leading question that contained the answer in it. Or provide a clue. Perhaps that’s why he referred to himself as the “Son of Man.” They had to come up with “God” on their own.
So, the disciples played it cool and offered a variety of answers. They named off John the Baptist, Elijah, and Jeremiah. All religious Hall of Famers and therefore, safe, Sunday School answers.
People today play it cool too. Ask, “Who do you say Jesus is?” and answers include things like a…
- Good man
- Spiritual leader
- Prophet
- Moral teacher
And yet, none are sufficient. It’s like comparing Jesus to Mother Teresa or Billy Graham. Both are considered Hall of Famers among Christians today. But they were still sinners and didn’t come close to the perfect life of Jesus. Or his crowning achievement–resurrection from the dead.
And while people today will admit there is something special about Jesus. Something remarkably undeniable. They stop short of declaring him the Son of God. And are especially uncomfortable on how he himself presses for the answer. And demands exclusive allegiance in John 14:6.
Still, it’s a simple question. True or false. Yes or no. Right or wrong. And we all have a 50% chance of getting it right.
The question Jesus asked we all must answer will determine our eternal destination
Contrary to a popular belief, Jesus doesn’t meet you at the Pearly Gates with a spiritual weight scale to weigh all your good deeds against your bad deeds. And when the good deeds outweigh the bad deeds you get in.
Entrance into heaven is based on who you know. Specifically, do you know Jesus?
And it has to be more than head knowledge. Like how you know about Abraham Lincoln. You have to know Jesus like someone you actually care about and spend time with. Jesus himself said in Matthew 7:21-23 there are people in for an unpleasant surprise because they never understood the difference between the two. And never formed a real relationship with him. Even though that’s exactly what he wants with you and me.
Can you imagine the horror? The utter despair? You thought you had it all figured out. The highest expectations for eternal bliss. Only to find out you got it all wrong?
So you can ignore the question. Pretend he didn’t ask it. Or simply blow it off. But you can’t avoid it. Because one day we will all face him and have to answer when he asks: WHO DO YOU SAY I AM?
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
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Interesting article. I am a fellow author on Goodreads who wrote a Kindle Vella series about Jesus A Prophet and So Much More. I really like the way you addressed this issue. Here is a thought What does it mean to be born again? When we leave this earth we receive a new nature like Christ. When a baby is born he has no memories. He gives us new life in the future but also gives us a chance to live new lives here on Earth. It is a dual aspect with the ultimate new birth happening when we meet Jesus. Look me up I would like to be your friend on Goodreads and keep track of your writing.
Thanks for sharing, Jonathan. I appreciate your insight. I plan to address the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus in a future blog. I pray that I do so in a way that honors God. I’ll look you up on Goodreads.
Well, I’m a witch and I met Jesus on September 6 of 1986 when I died. He was so kind and loving when he approached me there was no judgement, only unconditional love. He was so happy to see me along with His royal subjects that shown me acceptance and love I never seen before from the cruel world I left behind. He was a King, make no mistake about. His royal subjects bowed down to Him as He approached me, but their bow was not only out of respect, but of pure joy at seeing Him!
He was happy to see me but sad I couldn’t come home yet, because it wasn’t my time. He had to return me to the living and only gave me a commandment to show the love, He and His royal subjects has shown me. How beautiful is that? A great King didn’t expect me to save the world, just to show it how beautiful love is from a great King that loves you dearly!
There will be no gnashing of my teeth when it is time for me to go home for eternity, because I have love for a great King that shown me mercy in my greatest time of need.
Thanks for sharing, Phillip.
If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I’m not sure why you refer to yourself as a witch. Was this an accident or do you still see yourself as and believe yourself to be a witch? The bible is clear about serving 2 masters, it can not be done.
Thanks for your question kim and so sorry for the delayed response. Interesting question you posed about serving two masters; tell me, who do you worship? Your bible God or Jesus?
The Pharisees worshiped their bible God and used it to condemn Jesus to death. I’m sure your very knowledgeable about the bible, but do you have a personal relationship with Jesus? Do you talk to Him when you are happy, sad, scared, lonely, or broken?
That is what Jesus means to me and although it’s nice to read a book about Him, it’s so much better to have a personal relationship with Him instead of worshiping a book and serving two masters like you do.
Take care of yourself and give Jesus a chance. I am a prime example to show the world that there is no shame for a witch or ANYONE else for that matter, to say they love and worship Christ!
“I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the SON OF MAN came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.”
Daniel 7:13-14
Thanks for sharing, Jeremy. A great verse that pictures Christ’s coming Kingdom and fills me with hope today.
Thank you for sharing Chip.
Thanks, Dennis.
I think we can add that Jesus was the original feminist as well.
Not sure how you’re applying the term. But Jesus certainly raised the value of women. He demonstrated that in many of his interactions with women. A good example is his encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.