Sin According To The Bible (Part 1)

Sin According To The Bible (Part 1)

Sin according to the Bible. It’s an important Christian teaching. Why? Because after Jesus Christ, it’s one of the most important Christian doctrines. In fact, it’s the reason Jesus came to earth. And understanding what the Bible teaches about it is important for determining your eternal destination. So, it’s a big deal. Here’s are some things to know about sin.

Sin according to the Bible. It wasn’t always this way.

The Bible teaches we are born with sinful nature. Live our lives in its toxic environment like fish swimming in polluted water. And personally succumb to its influence. Yet, so often, we deny it for what it is. But instead, blame other things and people for what we intuitively know is wrong within our own hearts.

But it wasn’t that way in the beginning. In Genesis, God called his newly created world “good.” And he planted a garden for Adam and Eve to live in that provided for all their needs. It was unmarred. An ideal environment without pain, conflict, and suffering. And they could eat the fruit from any tree in the garden except one: the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Which is exactly what Adam and Eve did. With that first act of disobedience, sin entered the world. And everything changed.

Sin according to the Bible. What is sin anyway?

The essence of sin remains the same: disobedience to God. But that first, seemingly, small act of disobedience grew like a cancer into more serious forms. For example, Adam’s son, Cain committed the first capital offense by murdering his brother Abel, out of jealousy.

As mankind’s disobedience increased and took different forms, God provided the Ten Commandments through Moses to establish moral order. It was simple and to the point. It listed the basic things you should do to honor God and the ones you shouldn’t to get along with other people. Don’t lie, steal, murder, covet and commit adultery.

However, the list of sins expands greatly in the New Testament. And Jesus made it clear that sin is not limited to our actions. Many of them come out of our hearts and take place in our thoughts.

Today you can picture sin like an iceberg. One-third of your sin is above ground where it’s visible. But two-thirds is below the surface within your heart and mind where only God sees. That’s why God looks upon the heart. And the apostle Paul reminds us we are all guilty of sin.

Sin broke our relationship with God, one another, and our world.

The impact of that one act of disobedience was immediate and is recorded in Genesis chapter three. Adam and Eve immediately became self-conscious about their appearance, realized they were naked, and covered themselves. So it changed their relationship with one another.

Next they shamefully hid themselves from God as he walked through the garden. So, it also changed their relationship with Him. It even impacted their relationship with the environment and animals. The environment changed from hospitable to hostile and required hard work to survive. And their relationship with animals went from friendly to predatory.

Do you see the fallout from that one act of disobedience? Every sin can trace it back to the source. It is the singular focus on ME, MYSELF and I.

The worst part, however, is that sin separates us from God, not just in this life, but for eternity. Unless there’s a way to fix it.

Fortunately, right after God kicked Adam and Eve from the garden, he began working on a Plan B.

We’ll continue that discussion next week.

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

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The Amazing Gift Of Biblical Forgiveness

The Amazing Gift Of Biblical Forgiveness

The amazing gift of Biblical Forgiveness is seriously misunderstood and highly underrated. Although Biblical forgiveness might seem hard, it benefits you in both this life and the next. Here’s how.

The Amazing Gift Of Biblical Forgiveness Is God’s Gift To You

God loves and forgives. And He offers that forgiveness with no strings attached. For this life and the next.

That is the most amazing…the most liberating message of the Gospel. That God doesn’t just love us. He wants an eternal relationship with us. And through Biblical forgiveness, we are released from the bondage of sin.

Sin is what weighs you down. Separates you from God. And makes Him seem distant. But He’s not. And you’ll discover that when the wall of sin comes down.

The Amazing Gift Of Biblical Forgiveness Is Your Gift To Others

The amazing gift of Biblical Forgiveness is not to be kept for yourself. But to share with others.

And honestly? This may seem daunting. Perhaps, you may even think, impossible. Because pain can run deep. And some ugly wounds appear beyond healing. But they aren’t.

Because all things are possible with God.

In fact, God doesn’t just ask us to forgive others. He expects it. Not in our own strength. But through the power of His grace.

And in the same way that He sets us free, we in turn, can set others free. So that we all experience joy.

Biblical Forgiveness Is Your Gift To Yourself

Now that just sounds weird. Why would the victim…the one hurt, need to be set free? After all. You’re innocent! You didn’t ask to be injured. Violated. And besides, set free from what?

The fact is, that even as an innocent victim, over time, the pain can change into bitterness and resentment. Turning your heart dark. Robbing you of joy. Shutting you off from God’s love. Holding you captive.

And it eventually becomes your sin. Your prison.

But forgiveness releases it. Reopens your heart to give and receive God’s love. And restores your relationship with Him and others.

The truth? Forgiveness is not easy. Or instantaneous. But an ongoing process of turning the pain and bitterness over to God. And as you do, God’s Spirit restores and revitalizes your heart. Changing it now and forever.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.

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