The Incredible blessing of Biblical grace begins with a simple understanding. You don’t earn or deserve it. But it’s a gift.
However, when you accept the gift of grace. Embrace it. And purposefully invite it into your worldview, it transforms your life. And the positive impact you have on others. Here’s how.
The Incredible Blessing of Biblical Grace Comes From God
God is the author of grace. The idea originator. It’s something He doesn’t have to offer. But does anyway simply because He wants to.
I step towards Biblical grace by recognizing that God is completely perfect, holy and righteous. And I am the exact opposite. Imperfect, unholy and unrighteous. I fall way short of God’s standard.
And here’s what’s really incredible. God loves me anyway. And cleared a path for me with Grace. Through the life, death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Grace rejects the idea of what I can do. And celebrates what God has done.
The Incredible Blessing of Biblical Grace Sets You Free
People today are in incredible bondage. It’s everywhere you look. In the rage. The fear. And driven by a sense of hopeless desperation.
So what’s gripping you? Because it’s different for everyone. Maybe politics. Porn. A job. Finances. And of course, the list goes on. So fill in the blank.
Because there are real problems that must be addressed. And no, God might not magically make everything better. Poof!
But grace provides freedom. Because bondage isn’t always something that only grips you.
Bondage can be something you’re holding on to.
And this is why grace is so powerful. Where God encourages and reassures. And He says simply. “Relax. I’ve got this. You can let it go.”
That’s when you fall into God’s arms. Are washed in peace. Filled with joy. And you discover the truth that sets you free.
The Incredible Blessing of Biblical Grace Is Meant To Be Shared
The most wonderful thing about Biblical Grace is that you and I can share it with someone else. It’s what God expects. What everyone wants. And needs.
To be able to say, “yes, I know you’re imperfect. Me too. And since God has offered me this incredible gift, I share it with you too.
Grace gives others the benefit of the doubt. And step away from judging and condemning others. Because that’s God’s job anyway. And someday, I will have my turn too.
And when I am gracious to others, I imitate God. Which furthers the Kingdom of God. And in a sense, offers it back to God.
Where Biblical Grace is Shared Peace Prevails
Grace has a calming affect. It relieves the pressure of performance. I can strive for perfection while knowing I’ll never attain it. And that’s okay.
Even though I’ll keep striving for it. Not because I’m trying to earn anything. But because I am experiencing the incredible blessing of Biblical grace. And I’m motivated by gratitude.
Grace puts me at peace with God. Which promotes peace with others. And transforms where change is most impactful. In the heart. And from the inside out.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.
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