If the Easter story is real then it has an important meaning. One that extends from life on earth into eternity. It is this hope that millions of followers of Jesus live for. Many have died for. And why if the Easter story about a resurrected Savior is real, it should get your attention. Here are three meanings for you to consider.
If The Easter story is real it means God is pursuing you
The Easter story presents a radical idea. One you won’t find in any other religion or spiritual philosophy. That an Almighty God created you and loves you so deeply he came to earth in human form to tell you. Even more, demonstrated that love through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Other world religions and spiritual philosophies require you to pursue or placate a god. Unravel a spiritual mystery, or by your own effort, acquire some form of Godhood. Only in Christianity does God reveal himself, pursue you and declares it in his Word.
So if it’s real, then maybe you should stop running from, or ignoring God. And turn to meet him.
If the Easter story is real it means God has a plan for you
There’s a serious reason God is pursuing you and not waiting for you to reach him. Because you can’t. Scripture says it’s our sin that separates us from God. And only God can solve the problem.
That’s why Jesus came. To sacrifice himself and set us free from sin. It’s God’s eternal plan for you. To experience his freedom, forgiveness and to follow Jesus in a spiritual life of meaning and significance.
But it’s something you must want. Ask for. And receive from Jesus, the resurrected savior.
And when you do he leads you on a new path. Not always easy or pain free. But purposeful, joyful and totally worth it.
If the Easter story is real it means God has a future for you
But it’s not automatic. You must respond to God. Ask for a relationship with Jesus, and follow him. And the journey he leads you on is everlasting. In fact, one of the last things Jesus told his disciples on earth is that he was going ahead to prepare for them.
Because if Jesus was raised from the dead and appeared on earth in a resurrected body, then you can trust his promise that he will resurrect you too.
Easter was the fulfillment of Jesus’ mission. His crowning achievement. And while much of the world has mixed opinions, emotions, and beliefs about the Easter story, followers of Jesus are celebrating.
And why we proclaim with excitement on Easter Sunday: HE HAS RISEN INDEED!
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and freelance copywriter. He publishes humorous Christian drama, books and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
What if heaven is real? It’s a question you’ve probably asked. We all have. And maybe you’ve reached a satisfying conclusion. Or you’re still weighing on it. Or perhaps, simply choosing not to think about it. At least, until you have to.
But if heaven is real, then it means something to the here and now. And should impact your life in some manner. So if heaven is real, then here are three things for you to consider.
If Heaven Is Real It Should Give You A Positive Perspective On Life
Life is full of questions. Some we can answer, some we can’t. And what happens after we die…if anything…is the greatest, unsolved mystery of all. It weighs on us. Unsettles us. Even haunts us. Especially as the end of life draws closer.
And despite all our scientific achievements. Life enduring medical breakthroughs. Technological advancements. End of life is always there. Waiting. And the question of “what’s next?” teases us like a fishing lure, trolling always just out of reach.
But if heaven is real, the question is answered, the mystery solved and the issue settled. Well, maybe not completely settled. You still have to figure out the entrance requirements.
Also, when things in life go haywire, you have something to cling to. Look forward to. An attitude game changer and eternal perspective that eases life’s burdens.
And you possess one of the most powerful, motivating forces on earth. Hope.
If Heaven Is Real You Should Pay Attention To What Jesus Said About It
As a matter of fact, heaven is mentioned in fifty-four books of the Bible. And Jesus discusses it around 70 times just in the book of Matthew. Not like it’s a fantasy or wishful thinking. But like it’s real. Like he’s been there. And making sure it’s ready for us too.
Furthermore, he describes it and the path to get there. And makes it sound like a really cool place to spend eternity. He describes another not so cool place to spend eternity too. But let’s stay on topic.
Then again. Will we sit on clouds playing harps? Probably not. Besides, sounds boring anyway.
Most likely, heaven is about relationships. Living with Jesus. And in harmony with other people. You get the sense there’s purpose and meaning to life in heaven. Also, I’m hopeful golf might still be a thing, but we’ll see.
If Heaven Is Real It Should Give You A Sense of Mission
However, first make sure you understand the entrance requirements and that you qualify. The real qualifications surprise a lot of people. Especially if you think they involve doing enough good things to outweigh the bad. That’s a popular cultural idea not found in the Bible.
And now, you should have a mission of utmost importance. Not to mention eternal significance. How many people can you take with you?
After all. You’re not going to keep this incredible news to yourself are you? Spend eternity with a bunch of strangers? Because you want your family and friends with you too, right?
So, tell them the good news. Urge them to join you. Convince and take along as many people as you can. They will become your greatest reward. You know, treasures in heaven.
Can you think of any better happily ever after story than that?
There are visible signs to an uncommon Christian life. Evidence that demonstrates a difference in a good way. Not perfect. But authentic and distinct. Here are just three signs that mark a real follower of Jesus Christ.
Stay with me. Biblical holiness is NOT holier than thou. That is actually self-righteousness and was regularly condemned by Jesus as pride in disguise.
In the life of an uncommon Christian, holiness is the pursuit, not the perfection of Godliness. As Paul describes in Philippians 3:12, it’s a goal you consistently strive to attain, but never complete in this life.
What do you mean by holy?
Biblical holiness means to be set apart and dedicated to God. It’s marked more by the desire of your heart than success of your performance. Even so, there is something obviously upright about how an uncommon Christian lives.
Additionally, it’s more than human effort. Scripture teaches that God’s Spirit dwells within and empowers a real follower of Jesus. So an uncommon Christian produces visible, spiritual fruits. (Galatians 5:22-23)
The Bible claims to be God’s Word and absolute truth. (2
Timothy 3:16-17) It is an either or claim that demands a yes or no conviction.
In a yes response, a real follower of Jesus conforms his/her life to the teachings of scripture and resists fitting it to his/her lifestyle. So there’s an uncompromising, principled quality to an uncommon Christian life.
One that especially stands out in the relative truth, worldview of modern society. Perhaps is even mocked as out of touch with current thought.
An uncommon Christian has a positive attitude and forward mindset. Because a real follower of Jesus anticipates a secure, heavenly future. Yet, doesn’t disengage from this life.
A real follower of Jesus recognizes the existence of evil without running from it. But rather, ministers through a transforming power that is Christ’s presence in their life. And when followers of Jesus unify as the church, the power is magnified.
Beyond life’s circumstances…
In spite of circumstances, an uncommon Christian possesses the most resilient force on earth…hope! It drives them, defines them and equips them with transcending joy.
Most importantly, an uncommon Christian is product of grace. Not perfectly reflected, but still a glimpse of God’s grace. So a real follower of Jesus shines like a lighthouse in a dark, needy world.
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