Four Bible-Based Priorities For A Balanced Life
Four Bible -based priorities for a balanced life. Jesus set the example for living a balanced life. I know, we usually blame imbalance on lack of time. But it’s really a lack of priority. Because we always make time for what’s important to us.
So make these four priorities a regular part of your schedule to enjoy a balanced life that is purposeful, meaningful and joyful.
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.
—Luke 2:52
Four Bible-based priorities for a balanced life. Mind development for intellectual balance.
Jesus grew in wisdom…
The Greek word for wisdom is Sophia. It means wisdom, broad and full of intelligence; Varied knowledge of things human and divine.
Even at 12, Jesus was an avid learner who spent time in the temple listening to religious teachers and asking them questions. And he amazed the people with his understanding and answers.
Begin your balanced life with intellectual engagement. And keep your mind active–learning and creating–to keep it sharp.
Read books, listen to podcasts, take music lessons, continuing education classes and participate in discussion groups. In other words, don’t settle for couch vegetation and thoughtless Internet surfing.
Four Bible-based priorities for a balanced life. Exercise and nutrition for physical balance.
Jesus grew in stature…
We can only speculate on what Jesus looked like. But he was a carpenter by trade, traveled on foot and regularly included fish in his diet. And carpentry was a more rugged occupation in his day than now. So it’s safe to assume Jesus was physically fit.
Terrific. We all know a balanced life includes exercise and a healthy diet. But knowing it and making happen is like the journey of a thousand miles. It requires determination and self-discipline. That’s my next blog topic.
Here’s the point: Your physical health impacts your cognitive and spiritual health. It improves your performance, your quality of life and your self-image.
Okay, so you don’t want to quit pizza and ice cream. Me neither. We’re going for a balanced life, not pleasure-less. So here’s a suggestion. Don’t approach it from what you should eliminate, but what you should ADD.
In other words, how can you add exercise into your week? How can you add fruit, vegetables and fish into your diet? Adding positive things into your lifestyle will naturally push out negative things.
Draw Closer To God For Spiritual Balance
Jesus grew in Favor with God…
By the time Jesus started his three year ministry, he was thoroughly knowledgeable in the Old Testament law. His balanced life included drawing close to his heavenly father through regular prayer. And God the father publicly affirmed him.
Therefore, an active, spiritual life is a must for a balanced life.
By Reading God’s Word.
God’s Word is a game changer because it is living and active. Studying and meditating on it will spiritually replenish you and unleash its transforming power within and through you. Along with prayer and confession, God’s Spirit leads you towards His will and a balanced life that glorifies Him.
By Serving Others
As Jesus demonstrated, we are also called to serve, not congregate in a holy huddle. It’s where you learn to exercise humility as you invest in advancing God’s Kingdom. Your eyes open to a bigger picture. And you find greater purpose through a hope that you are blessed to offer others.
Four Bible-based priorities for a balanced life. Engage In Christian Community For Social Balance
Jesus grew in favor with man…
Jesus demonstrated a vibrant social life. He clearly enjoyed hanging out with all kinds of people and was often, the life of the party. Perhaps that’s why the Co-vid pandemic is especially difficult. We aren’t made to live cooped up at home.
But keep in mind that a godly life is best lived in community with other Christ-followers. The church.
So build healthy, social relationships with a variety of people. But do so in a public manner that lives out your faith.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.
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