Chip Tudor

Author, Blogger & Professional Writer

The Most Powerful Stories Are…

Compelling…thought provoking…transforming.

As a storyteller, I focus in three areas.



I’ve published six Christian books. Four are non-fiction. The fifth and sixth, Soul Pursuit and Finding Grace are Christian detective novels. The books are sold on Amazon and you’ll find reviews for them on Goodreads.


When I first started blogging, topics generally supported my freelance copywriting business. Now they are primarily on topics related to the Christian faith. Rooted in scripture and written to inspire and encourage.


Professional Writer

I have 20+ years experience as a professional copywriter in advertising, marketing/communications, and public relations. I use a friendly, conversational voice with a warm sense of humor. As the voice of influencers, I turn your thoughts and ideas into polished, persuasive content that gets noticed. And as a former pastor with 28 years of experience, I enjoy partnering with faith-based ministries. Contact me for a free quote or to discuss your project.


My Books

Soul Pursuit

An honorably discharged Navy SEAL, Jack Sterling moves to Dayton to emotionally support his recently divorced mother…

 Elements of Internal Church Marketing

This book explains how to target your church audience and turn them into active participants through effective promotions and quality events.

Christianity For The Average Joe

Christians differ in their beliefs. And that sometimes makes Christianity seem..

Family Stew

This collection of stories is told from a humorous perspective about our middle class, suburban family. Parents will laugh..

Finding Grace

Finding Grace

Jack is hired to find Grace Miller, a freshman at the University of Dayton who is missing. Can he find her, and if so in what condition?

How To Build A Church Intramural Sports League

This book describes how to build a church intramural sports league that engages people, promotes community, and makes a spiritual impact.

Philippians Bible Study

This four-week, exegetical study is intended for individuals and groups. It features a teaching component that summarizes historical context, defines words, and asks reflective questions to guide in a practical application of God’s truth.

My Blog

The Mark Of Godly Leaders

The Mark Of Godly Leaders

The mark of godly leaders. Whan Israel resettled in Judah. King Darius appointed two leaders over them. Here is God’s word to them.

The Sneaky Sin Of Pride

The Sneaky Sin Of Pride

The sneaky sin of pride. Pride is one of the sneakiest sins in the Bible. It stealthily slips in when you’re unaware and fills your heart. Here are thoughts on how to guard against it.

Entering God’s Rest

Entering God’s Rest

Entering God’s rest is a Biblical teaching found in Hebrews 4:9-14. Here are some thoughts on what it means for Christians.

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