Three Bible Truths for a Godly life. God’s Word offers a healthy prescription for us to follow. And these three Bible truths help us follow in a Godly manner.
He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? (ESV, Micah 6:8)
Three Bible Truths for a Godly life. Do justice.
“That’s not fair!” We’ve all said it. Because there’s an inherent sense of right and wrong in all of us. Play fair. Share your toys. Treat others the way you want to be treated. The Hebrew word for justice is “mishpat” and means divinely righteous action. Or in today’s context, do the right thing. But what exactly does that mean? Because many people believe it all depends on the circumstances.
God’s Word, however, provides explicit instructions on God’s law–what he considers righteous behavior. And much of it is straightforward and ignores situational ethics. It’s found in the Ten Commandments, Old Testament instructions, and Jesus’ teachings along with other New Testament writers.
Therefore, we pursue righteousness and strive to imitate Jesus in order to show our devotion and love for God rather than earn good behavior points. As a result, it pleases God and creates a more harmonious and virtuous society.
Three Bible Truths for a Godly life. Love kindness
The Hebrew word for “kindness” is kheh´-sed and is also translated mercy, which I think better represents Christian teaching. Why? Because kindness offers benevolence and charity. But mercy offers it even when it’s undeserved. And includes exercising restraint and responding in kindness when provoked by others without cause.
Mercy is at the heart of the Gospel. As sinners, we deserve God’s punishment. But God affords us mercy through the saving work of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we in turn, should generously offer it to others.
This means giving people the benefit of the doubt when offended since we don’t know what difficulties they’re going through. To avoid knee jerk reactions. Show compassion. And consider walking in another person’s shoes. It acknowledges that we’re all guilty before God. And that none of us deserve it, but we all need mercy.
Three Bible Truths to guide your life. Walk humbly with your God.
We naturally compare ourselves to others. As if entrance to heaven is a moral test graded on a curve. And we get in by morally scoring higher than others. It’s an approach that naturally leads to pride. Because the higher our virtuous score is above others, the more we pat ourselves on the back for our moral superiority.
Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. Because our standard for comparison is not other people, but a perfectly holy and righteous God. And on that report card we all fall miserably short.
However, when we acknowledge our best efforts are as filthy rags before a perfectly, holy God the appropriate response is humility. And when we individually and corporately humble ourselves and seek salvation through his Son, Jesus Christ, God’s faithfulness follows. And we will be spiritually healed as individuals and as a people.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.
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