Three Bible Precepts for life success. The Bible speaks a lot on the meaning and path to life success. Here are three precepts it teaches. Oddly, I did not come by them through deep scriptural study although they are clearly taught in the Bible.
But from a remark my orthopedic surgeon made during an office visit as we planned for my upcoming total knee replacement surgery.
He said there are three parts to a successful surgery. My part, your part and God’s part, I apply my surgical skills, you do the rehabilitative work, and God provides the healing. Here’s how it applies to all aspects of life.
Three Bible Precepts For Life Success. You have to do the work
In physical rehab, no pain, no gain is a reality. As someone that’s undergone multiple knee surgeries and both shoulders I know this personally. You have to push through painful physical therapy to insure full range of motion and regain strength. Otherwise, you may still get better, but likely end up with physical limitations.
Successful athletes, entrepreneurs, and top leaders will agree. Professional success takes personal initiative, accepts personal responsibility and does the work. Period. No excuses. Looking for others to blame. Demanding exceptions. But pursuing the idea that persistence pays. And then facing adversity, finding workable solutions, and pushing forward.
It’s a battle against our sin nature
It’s natural to seek the easy path. Gravitate towards security, comfort, and pleasure. Find the quick and convenient. Because this is part of our human sin nature. Work ethic, however, is learned. It pushes past immediate gratification and perseveres for a greater reward.
And this same challenge is presented to Christ-followers too. Although we are saved by faith and don’t work FOR salvation, we are told by Paul to work OUT our salvation. In other words, to actively pursue a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Live a life of obedience to God’s word. Labor for the Kingdom of God and produce fruit.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (ESV, Matthew 9:37-38)
Three Bible Precepts For Life Success. You have to rely on others
I needed a skilled orthopedic doctor for knee replacement surgery. And I was totally dependent on my wife who worked full time, took over all my regular home tasks and still managed to care for me physically during the first two weeks following surgery.
The point is, every success story includes the contributions of other people. Parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors who support you along the way. Along with co-workers whose strengths balance your weaknesses in building successful organizations.
For Christ-followers, this community of “others” is the church. It is where we find encouragement, support, and accountability. But it takes more than once a week worship attendance. And requires intentionally building relationships through church related groups, activities, and ministries. Where you both give and receive.
Three Bible Precepts For Life Success. You have to recognize God is sovereign
Although knee replacement surgeries are fairly routine, nothing can be taken for granted. Blood clots, infections, and other complications are beyond human control. Ultimately, God provides healing. And so I believe, exercise faith, and pray for God’s sovereign will to do so.
Because scripture teaches that God is faithful and trustworthy. His word is true. And in His sovereignty, He fully commands and directs this world towards a conclusion.
To me, life without this assurance of God is unbounded, lacks moral consistency, and meaningful purpose. With no sense of life beyond this life then what’s the point of success anyway?
Furthermore, a sovereign God provides the one thing you can’t get anywhere else. And with it a perspective that sees beyond every success and failure in life. An eternal hope.
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
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