An entrepreneurial get’er done leader makes things happen. And will roll up the sleeves and get his hands dirty. Here are three attributes of an entrepreneurial get’er done leader.
An Entrepreneurial Get’er Done Leader Demonstrates Vision
Vision isn’t always a special revelation. It uses common sense. Considers future possibilities. And chooses the best one for your organization.
So rather than a mystical mantra, it follows current events. Watches markets and consumer trends. And listens to what people say and do.
In other words, vision frames a future picture that paints your organization into it.
An Entrepreneurial Get’er Done Leader Is Strategic
Once direction is set, entrepreneurial get’er done leaders form a plan to get there. One that makes sense. Is easy to communicate. And turns a vision into material form.
Hence, it generally involves…
The Right People…
With the right skill set. Working in their sweet spot. In order to reach peak performance. And ultimately benefit the bottom line.
The Right System/Process…
So you work more efficiently. And save on costs. Perhaps it’s automating tasks. Or a better workflow process.
The Right Technology…
Like state of the art equipment or software programs. To help your team work better, faster and smarter.
An Entrepreneurial Get’er Done Leader Executes Plans Successfully
Entrepreneurial get’er done leaders carefully and skillfully execute plans. Additionally, they’re creative and innovative. Cool under pressure. And face things head on.
As a result, they don’t assign blame. But focus on problem-solving and forward movement. And encourage team collaboration.
Furthermore, they’re action oriented. And dig in to help. Because they lead by example rather than command. And use influence and encouragement to build teams that strive for excellence.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.
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