In a difficult economy, we’re all trying to stretch budgets. So I understand why people hesitate to hire a professional, freelance copywriter for their advertising and marketing campaigns. Although most freelance copywriters write quickly, those creative exercises that land a perfect caption can still take between 2-4 hours. And you’re thinking…what? I have to pay a copywriter $130 to $260 to stare in space until they come up with a caption? You’re kidding me, right? Uh…actually, no and for the record, I don’t stare into space while waiting for the muse to kick in either. I employ a strategic, creative brainstorming method that is time consuming and while usually effective, never a guarantee.
What you should consider is the VALUE that an experienced freelance copywriter offers. Sure, it may take 2-4 hours to create a caption. But that caption might be the difference between capturing the attention of your audience and not. So instead of thinking about how much it will cost you, think about how much it will benefit you. Ask yourself: How many sales will make this investment worth while? Or what percentage increase of business? My guess is, probably much less than you think. So look beyond what you’re spending and focus on what you could be making. Because an attention grabbing caption will significantly improve the effectiveness of your ad. And an effective ad will promote sales that reap higher profits. When you see it this way, you’ll realize it’s a small investment that can make a big difference.