God’s Equipment For Spiritual Battle: Part Two
God’s equipment for spiritual battle is described in the book of Ephesians 6:10-18. It’s commonly known among Christians as Putting On the Armor of God.
It represents God’s protection for Christ-followers when fighting spiritual battles. In part one, I covered the first three pieces of armor. Here are the other pieces.
God’s equipment for spiritual battle takes up the shield of faith
The Roman shield was large enough to cover the entire body. It was made of wood and bound together at the top and bottom with metal bands. And when dipped in water, could extinguish flaming arrows from the enemy.
What are those fiery darts Paul describes in v.16?
The possibilities are endless and different for all of us. But probably best represented by the areas where you are most vulnerable to attack.
Perhaps the doubt, fear, or discouragement the enemy jabs at you. A bad habit you can’t conquer. The lies he whispers in your ear about yourself. Or hurtful words hurled at you by someone else.
Faith is your vote of confidence in God. A reminder you are covered by God’s grace. Secure in God’s love and the assurance He has your back. And destined for His eternal presence.
God’s equipment for spiritual battle includes the helmet of salvation
Satan tries to get into your head. Mess with your mind. Psych you out. He knows if you are saved through Jesus Christ, he can’t pluck you out of God’s hand. Your eternal destiny is secure. So his strategy is to confuse you. Confound you. And drag you down through sin so you’re ineffective for God’s Kingdom.
But knowing your salvation is secure gives you confidence in your fight. Because even though you are still a sinner, and will continue to sin, God’s power helps you resist temptations. And win some of those sin battles too.
In other words, the helmet of salvation is eternal, but also saves you from the power of sin in this life. And encourages you to press on in the fight.
God’s equipment for spiritual battle wields the sword of the spirit
The Bible is God’s word. His truth. And final authority on all subject matter related to this life. God promises it won’t return to him void.
It is your one offensive weapon in spiritual battles. And it’s impossible for Satan to refute. But be warned. He also knows it well and will twist its meaning to serve his purpose. Satan’s allies will do the same.
But it was the authority Jesus turned to when he was tempted by Satan. And King David kept close for use in his own spiritual battles.
Because God’s word penetrates to the soul. Judges the heart. And reveals God’s love and purpose for mankind. Rather than fight in the power of human reasoning, it equips you with the truth and wisdom of God.
Study it. Seek to know it. And memorize it. Because it is THE ANSWER, when you don’t have an answer.
Prayer is not equipment but is critical in spiritual warfare
Prayer may not be equipment, but it is a valuable weapon in spiritual battles. Because it aligns you with the will of God. Activates His power. And keeps you in His safeguarding presence.
More than simply regular habit. It should be a constant conversation with your eternal, loving Father.
Your direct source to God for His strength in the fight.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
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