God’s Path To Greatness

God’s Path To Greatness

God’s path to greatness is described by Jesus in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And he uses children as an example.

Of course, modern society has its ideas about greatness too and assigns it a special acronym: G.O.A.T. (Greatest of all time)

It means ranking the highest score. Attaining the pinnacle of pursuit. Excelling above everyone else. But Jesus turned the idea upside down and compared it to children. Here are three things I think he means about God’s path to greatness.

God’s path to greatness is unassuming and unpretentious

Jesus overheard his disciples arguing about who would be the greatest in the Kingdom of God. And their conversation was similar to modern ideas about greatness. Those at the top of the spiritual ladder. Who will be In charge in heaven. The best of the best. In a religious sense, that is.

But what drives this? Well, it probably starts as teenagers when we begin to wrestle with with self-image and comparison. How do I look? Do people like me? Am I popular? And this impacts our behavior and how much of our true selves we reveal.

Children, however, are unassuming and unpretentious. They accept what you tell them on face value and don’t hide behind superficial masks or seek recognition. What you see is what you get because they are unassuming and unpretentious. It’s a good example for all of us to follow.

Jesus is not saying to be foolishly naive. But to be honest and straightforward in all our relationships. To avoid comparing and competing and strive for authenticity.

God’s path to greatness gives others the benefit of the doubt

Children speak their minds without filters and express their thoughts and emotions openly. And since they speak honestly, they assume you do too and believe what you tell them. They also assume people have good intentions and look for the best in others.

Looking for the best in others is a trait you also see in Jesus. He regularly confronted people in their worst moments and yet he healed them, encouraged them with hope, and challenged them to behave better.

Jesus, like children, always gave people the benefit of the doubt. He saw their sin, but didn’t let it affect how he related to them. He saw clearly into their hearts, but chose to act towards them rather than react to them.

It is this aspiration that should drive those seeking greatness in God’s Kingdom.

Jesus taught that greatness means serving others

It was during his Last Supper with the disciples that Jesus presented one of the most counterintuitive teachings in scripture. It’s not natural even for children.

Why? Because despite all their innocence, they enter this world with a sin nature. Just like the rest of us. And one of the first words children learn when playing with other children is “mine.”

But Jesus clearly taught its importance for those who seek greatness according to God’s standard. It is putting the needs of others first and serving them. It is hard to do because it goes against our sinful, selfish nature. And often requires the very presence and power of God in our lives.

And still, we will regularly fail. But in Jesus’ willing, sacrificial death for our salvation, we have a perfect example to follow.

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

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The Bible’s Path To Peace In Today’s Pandemic

The Bible’s Path To Peace In Today’s Pandemic

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you. –Isaiah 26:3

The Bible’s path to peace in today’s pandemic is contrary to other worldviews. In the midst of so much turmoil, maybe you’re asking if any peace is possible. The Bible says “yes” and shows you the way.

The Bible’s Path To Peace Comes From God

The Bible is clear on where and how you find peace.

In Isaiah 26:3, the Hebrew word for peace is Shalom. It means peace with God. In other words, God is the source of peace. And you access that peace through a right relationship with Him. 

Without God you must rely on yourself and government for peace. But finding peace within yourself is difficult when you’re surrounded by turmoil and insecurity. Violence in the streets. A contagious, potentially lethal disease. And government leaders who are uncertain or unwilling to maintain order.

But according to the Bible, a right relationship with God provides a sense of security unaffected by external circumstances. It settles your heart and promotes a sense of calm and well-being despite what is going on around you.

The Bible’s Path To Peace Has A Steadfast Mind

We often view steadfast as a resolute, individual will and determined spirit. Like pressing forward alone in the midst of a storm. Fueled by an inner strength.

But the Bible says you aren’t alone. And you’re not expected to gut it out by yourself. The Hebrew word for steadfast in this Bible verse means to lean on.

In other words, the person with a steadfast mind leans on God for strength. And gains peace from God. Because God wants to support you. Guide you through His word. Fill you with His presence. And He waits for you to ask.

Leaning on God acknowledges your human frailty. And in today’s culture is possibly your greatest act of humility and courage.

The Bible’s Path To Peace Trusts In God

The Hebrew word for trust in this Bible verse means to place your confidence in.

And that is earned over time as words and actions align. But a pattern God consistently demonstrates throughout the Bible.

Obviously, placing trust in God is a problem if you doubt His existence. But it doesn’t have to be a deal breaker.

Many people in the Bible expressed doubt. On one occasion, a man needed a miracle so bad he pleaded with Jesus to help his unbelief. So maybe the real test is not your level of doubt but desperation.

However, it does require a step of faith. A small one that leads to a big change. And puts you firmly on the Bible’s path to peace.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at www.chiptudor.com, books on Amazon.com, and articles on his blog.