The Difference Between Leading Through Influence Over Authority
A little known Bible story with a valuable lesson demonstrates the difference between leading through influence over authority.
It is found in 2 Kings 11-13 and 2 Chronicles 24:15-22 and has a Grimm’s Fairy Tale quality to it.
Here’s a summary:
Athaliah, the wicked queen mother of king Ahaziah, seizes the throne of Judah when king Ahaziah is assassinated. And she kills all possible heirs to secure her rule. Except one infant heir, Joash, is whisked away. And he’s hidden in the temple and raised by Johioada the priest.
However, when Joash turns seven, Johoiada hails him king in an orchestrated, public event. And queen Athaliah is seized and put to death.
Joash is now in supreme power. But it is the influence of Jehoiada the priest that governs how he rules.
Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. (ESV, 2 Kings 12:3)
But there’s a surprise ending. Because after Jehoiada dies, Joash morally degrades into a wicked king and eventually assassinated.
Authority Comes By Position, Influence Comes Through Relationship
There’s a subtle but crucial difference in leading through influence over authority. Especially when it comes to building a healthy team and organization.
Whenever you possess authority and in command. It doesn’t mean you command allegiance. Or guarantee your followers will fully and enthusiastically carry out your decisions.
And if your followers don’t actually follow you then your organization is going nowhere. Because teamwork and unity you need to develop requires trust and genuine relationships in order to exert influence.
Strength Of Character And Relationship Impact Your Level Of Influence
The inference is there. Jehoiada was like a father to Joash. He loved him and raised him like a son.
Furthermore, Jehoiada also loved and served God. Obeyed God’s teachings. Exhibited Godly character. And all of it rubbed off on Joash.
Since Jehoiada wanted to please and serve God, Joash wanted to please and serve God too.
A similar story is found in John 1:40-51. One of the first disciples Jesus called was Andrew. And right away, he finds his brother, Peter, and introduce him to Jesus too.
Peter…the guy Jesus called a rock. Who became a significant leader in the Christian movement and influence on the church. But it was his brother who influenced him first,
Would Peter have still met Jesus if it weren’t for Andrew? Maybe. But Andrew’s influence radically changed the course of Peter’s life. And Peter’s influence profoundly affects the Christian church today.
So who is in your sphere of influence? What relationships should you develop and personal character traits should you address?
The strength of Jehoiada’s character impacted Joash and will do the same for those you influence. Furthermore, you don’t need authority to use it. Jehoiada the priest had no power or authority. But his influence impacted the welfare of an entire kingdom. Andrew’s influence impacted an entire religion.
And your influence might be more powerful than you think.
Something to think about.
About Chip Tudor:
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.
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