Rahab the hooker. She played a minor role in a Bible story recorded in Joshua chapter two. But a major role in Christian history. Here’s her story.
Rahab the hooker turned from her old life to follow God
As Israel prepared to capture the city of Jericho, Joshua sent two men to spy out it out. And there, the two spies met Rahab, a prostitute. She told them she believed in the almighty power of Israel’s God, and Israel’s certain victory over Jericho. And she strikes a bargain. She will help them if they spare the life of her and her family when they captured the city.
Was this simply about self-preservation or something more? Because Rahab took a big chance in hiding the spies and even lying to the king of Jericho about it. Which presents an interesting moral dilemma about truth telling in God’s service.
However, one thing is clear. Rahab made a full commitment to God. Her actions were treasonous to Jericho and would have cost her dearly if discovered. But Jesus demands a full commitment and warns that following him may come with a cost.
Rahab the hooker was saved by faith
Faith is the foundation in Christianity. It’s where God’s grace and salvation are experienced. And how you live as a disciple of Jesus.
Both James 2:25 and Hebrews 11:31 commend Rahab for her faith. They confirm her genuine declaration of faith in God that she demonstrated by her actions. Something Jesus also consistently taught.
Nor did Rahab have any guarantee the spies would keep their promise. It was another exercise of faith, although thankfully, Israel kept its end of the deal.
But wait. That’s still not the end of the story.
Rahab was redeemed and given a new purpose
After the fall of Jericho, Rahab didn’t return to her life as a prostitute.
Instead, her life changed with new purpose.
We don’t know all the details, but we do know she remained with the nation of Israel. She eventually married a Jewish man and Matthew 1:5 says she bore a son named Boaz, who married Ruth a Moabite. Another outsider who joined Israel’s community because of her faith in God. It was through this lineage that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born.
In other words, Rahab was redeemed both physically and spiritually as a follower of God and became a great great grandmother of the Messiah.
It’s a story of hope for all of us. You can leave your past behind through the transforming and redeeming power of God. When you follow him and live according to His purpose.
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
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