A Study of Colossians 2:1-5 covers Paul’s struggle to encourage hearts, assurance in treasures of wisdom and knowledge, deceptive plausible arguments, and the firmness of faith.
A Study Of Colossians 2:1-5. Paul’s struggle to encourage hearts
V. Know how great a struggle I have for you…
Paul hadn’t been to the Colossian church, and yet he struggled for them. The Greek word for “struggle” is agṓn, from which we get “agony” and it means contest and conflict. It’s a version of the Greek word agōnizŏmai, translated “struggling” in 1:29. It means to compete for a prize and contend with an adversary as in an athletic competition.
Of course, Paul is in prison and limited in physical movement. So his struggle is most likely in fervent prayer although that too can physically and emotionally drain you. Consider how Jesus struggled in prayer the night before his crucifixion. Even though Paul could not physically minister to the Colossians, he labored in prayerful concern for their spiritual well-being.
V.2 That their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love…
The Greek word for “encouraged” is parakalĕō, which means to call near. It presents the idea of encouragement, comfort, and exhortation. The words “knit together” come from the Greek word sumbibazō, which means to unite and drive together. In effect, when the church is united in loving relationships, it encourages and strengthens the body of believers against outside, disrupting influences.
A Study Of Colossians 2:1-5. Full assurance in treasures of wisdom and knowledge
To reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ…
“Full assurance” is the Greek word plērŏphŏria, which means entire confidence. “Understanding” is the Greek word sunĕsis, and means intelligence and mentally putting together. And “knowledge” is the Greek word ĕpignōsis, which means recognition, acknowledgment, and full disclosure.
Together, they describe a process of thoughtfully studying scripture to better know and understand it. Why? Because we aren’t expected to accept Biblical truth on mere speculation. Instead, we should read it, meditate on it, and prayerfully apply it to our lives.
And the full disclosure of God’s mystery is in Christ. So no further enlightenment is required. Therefore, we only need to grow in knowing Jesus better.
V.3 In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
The Greek word for “treasures” is thēsaurŏs, and means a deposit of wealth. “Wisdom” is the Greek sŏphia, which means higher or lower worldly or spiritual wisdom. And “knowledge” is gnōsis, which means knowledge and science. In other words, Jesus is the complete source of spiritual wisdom and maturity. We grow in that spiritual wisdom and maturity as we seek to know and follow him in discipleship.
- Are you part of a strong community of believers? Need to make an adjustment? If so, what should it look like?
- If Jesus is the treasure chest of wisdom and knowledge are you a full-time treasure hunter, part-time pursuer, or seldom seeker?
A Study Of Colossians 2:1-5. Deceptive plausible arguments but the firmness of Faith in Christ
V.4 That no one may delude you with plausible arguments
“Plausible argument” is the Greek word pithanŏlŏgia, which means persuasive language and enticing words. In other words, teachings with a ring of truth that stray from the Gospel. It is Satan’s most common strategy. Rather than leaps away from Biblical truth he takes small steps. One after another. Like a slow fade. The gentle drift on an undercurrent of falsehood that leads you far from the truth. Which is Jesus Christ.
V.5 Rejoicing to see your good order and the firmness of your faith in Christ.
The Greek word for “good order” is the Greek taxis, which means regular arrangement, fixed succession of rank or character, and official dignity. “Firmness” is stĕrĕōma, and means something established, confirmed, and stable. “Faith” is the Greek word pistis, and means credence and conviction of religious truth.
“Order” and “firmness” suggest a military image. Like soldiers presented for inspection. Paul uses a similar analogy when he describes putting on the amor of God in Ephesians 6:10-20. The idea is that Christ-followers should prepare for spiritual battle because our faith is attacked from many sides. And stealth by way of persuasive arguments is one of the enemy’s most effective strategies. Our best defense is to hold fast to Jesus Christ.
- What plausible arguments have you confronted in your faith journey? Describe how you navigated them.
- How firm is your faith right now on a scale of one to ten? What things are causing doubt?
Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.
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