Traits of Get'er Done Influential Leaders that Get Results
Traits of Get’er Done Influential Leaders That Make Things Happen

A Get’er Done Influential Leader takes charge even when not in charge. They lead through influence rather than authority.

And they earn that influence by demonstrating these four traits.

A Get’er Done Influential Leader Demonstrates Vision

A Get’er Done Influential leader looks beyond the present. The status quo. And playing it safe.

He sees the big picture and considers ways to improve it. Knowing it might involve risk. And owning that too.

A Get’er Done Influential Leader asks what if? What if we tried this? Did that? Made a change here? Adjusted there?

Because vision becomes a mission. One that captures the imagination and invites people to join something bigger than themselves. 

Get’er Done Influential leaders are also action oriented. They ponder possibilities and pursue opportunities that create forward momentum.

An Influential Leader Demonstrates Character

Get’er Done Influential Leaders seek collaboration rather than compliance. Therefore, integrity matters.

Because influence thrives on the heels of trust and respect. In leadership ability and reliability as an individual.

So Get’er Done Influential Leaders strive for consistent behavior. Leading by example in words and deeds.

They understand that people don’t just follow a cause, but the person who leads it.

A Get’er Done Influential Leader Maximizes Relationships

Building relationships doesn’t have to mean Hallmark moments. But it does mean investing time in others. And treating them with respect.  

Think genuine interest and mindful thoughtfulness in building those relationships.

This creates a “stickyness” that retains others in collaborative efforts. It promotes loyalty and the likelihood they will join your endeavors.  

An Influential Leader Practices Persuasion

Get’er Done Influential Leaders maximize persuasion rather than power. They convince rather than demand followers to join their worthwhile mission.

So your vision should be compelling. Your passion contagious. And your mission easy to communicate with a clear path towards the solution.

Therefore, as others catch and share the vision, grow in passion and join the mission, you’ll build a positive culture with unifying movement towards success.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.