I strive to be a Get’er Done Leader. Because I lead a team of young, smart and talented church professionals that get things done.

I one have advantage over my team—more accumulated years of experience. So like Thomas Edison, I’ve learned thousands of ways NOT to do things. And by pursuing a smaller selection of untried choices, the odds increase I might choose the right one.

Process of elimination.

Therefore, as a Get’er Done Leader, I improve the success of team members by navigating them through decisions and minimizing their number of mistakes.

Simple math.  

Here are three Be’s of Get’er Done Leaders, who lead people to get things done. I’m sure there are more.

A Get’er Done Leader Should Be Accessible

Sound obvious, I know, but are you? It begins with a real desire to help team members succeed. Because if your team members don’t feel like they can approach you, they won’t approach you.


And you’ll never know what problems they’re facing…and can possibly help solve.

You also won’t gain their trust. And trust is a big deal. When they trust you, they’ll also share the emotional struggles and drama around problems.  And might be integral to finding a solution.

But you won’t know if they don’t tell you. And they won’t tell you if they don’t trust you. Or guardedly, only partially share so you never fully understand the whole issue.

Of course, you need to get things done too. So if necessary, build structure around your availability. Team members will understand. Just be sure they know you will always make time for them when needed. 

A Get’er Done Leader Should Be A Team Player

Get’re Done Leaders are the greatest fans, cheerleaders and supporters for team members. And affirm them regularly.

This encourages them to take risks. And that’s when cool, unexpected things happen. When your team members know you understand that not all risks pay off, but you encourage them to try anyway.

When they know you aren’t threatened if their idea is better than yours. And you give them the credit for it.

In a church, add much prayer and it creates an environment where God shows up in amazing ways.

If team members feel you’re there to correct, criticize and point out mistakes, they won’t take chances. They will play it safe. Protect the posterior. And you’ll miss out on their creativity and imagination.

When your team sees you as one of them, they participate with more enthusiasm. Meetings invite fun, laughter and synergy, which produces innovation. And result in greater efficiency and productivity.

Most importantly, don’t present yourself as the one with all the answers. Because DUDE…YOU DON’T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!

But your team members might. So create an environment that fosters ideas and everyone is free to share. And you’ll discover more answers as a team.

A Get’er Done Leader Should Be Humble

Easy to say, but often hard to do. When you profess humility with your mouth, look down appropriately and shuffle your feet with fake sincerity, but your heart and soul doesn’t follow. No one is fooled. Except maybe you.

Pride is poison to Get’er Done leaders. Because it’s like a slow working, addictive drug that creates disharmony. The corrupting sense that you’re in charge…the big cheese…ultimate decision maker.

As team members defer to you, they keep their thoughts to themselves. Not good. Because their thoughts…ideas…creativity. That’s what you want. And you lose without them.

So don’t proclaim all the answers. Ask lots of questions. And encourage your team members to do the same.

Embrace these three “BE’s” of Get’er Done leadership and I believe that you and your team will get more things done…together.

About Chip Tudor

Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at www.chiptudor.com, books on Amazon.com, and articles on his blog.

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