The Power Of God’s Precepts

The Power Of God’s Precepts

The power of God’s precepts is found in Psalms 119:129-136. These teachings guide the moral behavior of God’s people based on the truth of His word. Here are three ways they empower believers.

The Power of God’s precepts. They guide us on a lighted path.

The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple. (ESV, Psalm 119:30)

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (ESV, Psalm 119:105)

Our culture today celebrates individual, moral freedom. Behavior once considered wrong is now celebrated. And the laws that restrained it repealed. Supporters promised more individual autonomy. Higher enlightenment. Increased personal rights. And ultimately, greater individual happiness. But is this the case?

Because the opposite appears to be true. There’s greater moral confusion than ever before. Increased loneliness. Unhappiness. Darkness. And anger. So much anger everywhere you look.

In contrast, God’s word is a light. It illuminates the path of those who follow it. Increases your understanding of moral right and wrong. And guides your steps of faith in a world of increasing darkness. On the way, you discover that God’s precepts guide you towards a life of righteousness that honors God.

The Power of God’s precepts. They guard us from oppression

Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me. (ESV, Psalm 119:133)

Critics often claim that God’s law is burdensome with its legalistic following of rules. But the writer here claims the opposite. God’s precepts act as guard rails to protect him from the lure and addictive power of immoral behavior.

The Hebrew word for “Iniquity” is a-wen and means evil behavior. The Hebrew word for “dominion” is shalat and means to have power or to rule over. And this is the reality when human passions and lust are unleashed with no inhibitions or restrictions. The behavior often becomes addictive. And the immoral freedoms you celebrate and indulge in with reckless abandon become your master.

Meanwhile, God’s precepts take you on a journey of purpose, meaning, and joy. They guide you in a life that’s meant for you. And grow you into the person He intends you to be.

The Power of God’s precepts. God’s word sets you free

Redeem me from man’s oppression, that I may keep your precepts. (ESV, Psalm 119:134)

If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (ESV, John 8:31-32)

The Hebrew word for “oppression” is osheq and means deceitfully gotten or unjust gain. In other words, God’s precepts guide you in walking with personal integrity. Another challenge when navigating a world full of scams and unscrupulous behavior.

Despite that, we’re called to demonstrate honest and ethical behavior. Even when it’s a disadvantage next to unethical competition. Because God’s word is truth that sets you free. Freedom of conscience. And the stress in covering one lie with another. Furthermore, the honest reputation you earn over time becomes a rich and satisfying reward.

Studying and following God’s precepts consistently is like a slow drip. A steady jog. Because as you absorb God’s truth and practice it, subtle, but profound changes occur in your life. In how you think, act, and react. Sure, life still throws curveballs that you swing at and miss. But you’ll feel more settled. And with a confidence that God’s precepts are an important key to a meaningful life.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.

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When God Gets Your Attention

When God Gets Your Attention

When God gets your attention. He speaks from a Godly source, validates his word, and his word is final.

God generally works through ordinary people and events. But he sometimes reveals himself in extraordinary ways that inspire awe and wonder. And they remind us that while God is sovereign over the universe, he still involves himself in the details our lives. Because he wants a personal relationship with each one of us and sometimes uses unusual means to get our attention and present a choice. Such is the story of Ahaziah, the king of Samaria. The story is told in 2 Kings 1:1-18.

When God gets your attention he speaks from a Godly source

People are inherently spiritual. Even those who reject the Biblical God often seek spiritual substitutes to follow and worship. Like Ahaziah, king of Samaria, which was the capital of Israel at the time. After Ahaziah was seriously injured in a fall, he sent messengers to ask the pagan god Baal-zebub if he would get better.

However, God told the prophet Elijah to intercept the messengers on their way. Elijah told them to inform the king he should have inquired of the true God of Israel, not Baal-zebub. Therefore, the God of Israel says he will die.

This gets King Ahaziah’s attention.

When God gets your attention he validates his word

We commonly seek a second opinion when we receive bad news. And question the validity of a voice that might be God. Is God really speaking? Is it simply a dream? Our imagination? Is the source trustworthy or should we fact check? That’s what King Ahaziah did.

He sent a military captain with fifty shoulders to directly confront the source. The prophet Elijah.

Elijah was sitting on a hill when they arrived. Not a particularly impressive posture for a messenger of God. And the captain was bold and confident. He commanded Elijah to come down from the hill. To which Elijah replied, “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty.” ( ESV, 2 Kings 1:10) ZAP! Nothing left but a heap of ashes.

King Ahaziah sent another captain with fifty soldiers and the scene was repeated. The captain of a third group, however, wised up. He fell on his knees before Elijah and pleaded for his life and those of his men. And God told Elijah to go with them to see King Ahaziah.

Today, God commonly validates his word through scripture, the counsel of Godly people, and divinely orchestrated events. But in this story, God clearly spoke and validated his word through Elijah the prophet.

When God gets your attention his word is final.

Scripture does not record everything said between Elijah and king Ahaziah when they met. Did king Ahaziah seek forgiveness? The text doesn’t say. But he is presented with a choice. He can…

  • Repent before God
  • Reject God
  • Ignore God’s word and hope God doesn’t mean what he says

It’s doubtful king Ahaziah repented because God generally relents before a contrite heart. Ahaziah more likely refused to give up his false god. And perhaps, like the two, crispy fried captains thought God would not follow through on his word.

So Elijah repeated God’s words of judgment on king Ahaziah. Since he turned to the false god Baal-zebub rather than the true God of Israel, he would not get better, but die. And it happened according to God’s final word as spoken through Elijah.

But the story could have ended differently. God gained king Ahaziah’s attention and gave him two opportunities. First, to put his own heart right before God and second, lead his people to also follow and worship the God of Israel. But he didn’t which is also in God’s providence. God allows us all to freely choose.

The story demonstrates God’s grace and justice. King Ahaziah rejected God’s grace and therefore, received justice. And the same offer of grace and justice is presented today in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only one question remains.

Does God have your attention?

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

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Check out Philippians Bible Study For Individuals and Groups.

God’s Word Guides, Frees, and Redeems

God’s Word Guides, Frees, and Redeems

God’s Word Guides, Frees, and Redeems you according to Psalm 119:129-136. It guides you with light and understanding, frees you from the bondage of sin, and redeems you from man’s oppression.

Because the Bible is not a collection of rules that take the fun out of life. But it molds you into the person God created you to be.

God’s word guides, frees, and redeems you by providing light and understanding

V.130 The unfolding of your word gives light and imparts understanding…

We live in a complicated world. Confused by competing messages. Fooled by deception. Captured through seduction.

What can you believe? Who can you trust? How can you know when something is true?

The Bible claims to be God’s words. According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, it’s God breathed. Which means He supernaturally spoke through its writers. Therefore, it is absolute truth. Accurate. Consistent. Reliable.

In a world blanketed by the darkness of sin, God’s word illuminates with a discerning brightness. And His Spirit guides your understanding. So when you read, study, and know His word, you recognize what’s false by holding it up to His truth.

God’s word guides, frees, and redeems you by releasing you from the bondage of sin

V.133 Keep steady my steps and let no iniquity get dominion over me

Sin is subtle. Stealthy. And quietly creeps up on you. We seldom plunge into it headlong, but slowly and imperceptibly. One slight detour from God’s path followed by another. A slow fade of small decisions in a parade moving steadily away from God. The gradual slide into a sink hole until we are firmly stuck in a mire.

And it starts off as fun and pleasure. Harmless and victimless. Until its seductive lure becomes a compulsory grip you can’t escape. God’s words guide you towards right behavior. His precepts towards healthy relationships driven by character and integrity.

And while many claim God’s word burdens you with legalistic demands, Jesus claimed the opposite. His truth sets you free. And his power releases you from the bondage of sin.

God’s word guides, frees, and redeems you by redeeming you from oppression

V.134 Redeem me from man’s oppression that I may keep your precepts

The desire for acceptance. Social expectations. Cancel culture. They are powerful forces that exert themselves in society. And the loudest, most insistent voices demand compliance. Even when you think or believe differently. And especially when you disagree.

So what do you do?

You can reverse your position and go with the flow. Disagree, but remain silent. Or stand firm and risk rejection.

And while I don’t have a specific answer on how to respond to the culture, scripture does reveal how to overcome oppression. Galatians 4:3-7 and Luke 4:18 are two passages among many others that provide an answer. The power of Christ and the power of God’s word offer freedom to those willing to listen and respond.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

Looking for a Bible Study for yourself or small group??

Check out Philippians Bible Study For Individuals and Groups.