What’s The Mind Of Christ?

What’s The Mind Of Christ?

What’s the mind of Christ? Because the apostle Paul claims to have it in 1 Corinthians 2:11-13. Do you? And if so, what does it mean? Here are some thoughts to consider.

Your perspective, attitudes, and behaviors originate and incubate in your mind. So the prevailing content there plays a major role on the actions that follow. The mind of Christ directs you towards actions that honor God.

What’s the mind of Christ? It’s the presence of God’s Spirit

For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the things freely given to us by God, which things we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual thoughts with spiritual words.
(ESV, 1 Corinthians 2:11-13)

The mind of Christ comes with the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christ-follower. He enters your life when you ask Jesus Christ to be Savior and Lord. The Spirit’s indwelling presence conforms your desires to imitate Christ and align your thoughts with God’s thoughts as revealed in His word. It begins by demonstrating the same attitude as Jesus.

The natural person lacks this presence because the Spirit responds by invitation only. And the natural person is further handicapped because understanding spiritual truth requires spiritual discernment. And God’s Spirit is the discernment interpreter.

What’s the mind of Christ? It’s a perspective that makes seeking the Kingdom of God a priority

Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you as well. (ESV. Matthew 6:33)

The Kingdom of God is an eternal game changer for those who seek it first. Because it replaces eternal uncertainty with confidence. Rather than face death with anxiety, you’re filled with hope of an everlasting joy. And the anticipation of a forever future that is better than here and now.

It involves an agenda of selfless service rather than selfish indulgence. A counter intuitive expression of God’s love. Because when you seek the Kingdom of God, you care about what God cares about. Seek to know and follow His will. And form your perspective by filtering the messages of this world through the lens of scripture.

It’s a mind on a purposeful, ongoing journey of transformation

Those with the mind of Christ focus on thoughts that honor God. They study God’s word and follow His precepts. But recognize that sinful failure is inevitable in this world, Fortunately, the mind of Christ is renewable. And is spiritually restored through confession and repentance.

It’s a purposeful journey of discipleship that starts and stops, rises and falls, advances and retreats. Fueled by faith and driven by trust and obedience. Always pursuing but never arriving in this life. A journey travelled with other disciples in community that forms itself in the image of Christ. Navigating all the struggles and difficulties this world presents. But pressing on with the promises and power of God.

Because God’s grace cannot be subverted. His mercy won’t be denied. And His Kingdom will prevail. FOREVER.

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview.

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A Reasonable Approach to Christian Faith

A Reasonable Approach to Christian Faith

A reasonable approach to Christian faith. Is the Christian faith the complete opposite of intellectual reason? I don’t think so and here’s why.

A reasonable approach to Christian faith. They are more similar than you think.

Some claim that Christian faith and intellectual reason are mutually exclusive. But I think they actually work together.

Let me explain.

The argument that pits faith against reason generally goes like this: Christian faith is a subjective, religious experience that is based on little or no evidence.

Reason on the other hand, involves facts. And it logically follows the evidence to intelligently reach a conclusion.

In short, faith is subjective and reason is objective.

Now I will be the first to admit that faith is subjective in nature. There’s no getting away from it. But at the same time, an honest discussion of Christian faith must include the OBJECT of its faith—Jesus Christ.

A reasonable approach to Christian faith. Jesus Christ is the object of our faith.

When Christians talk about faith, they talk about faith in Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is a historical figure. A real person. The things He said and did are recorded by eye witnesses. So the details around His birth, the miracles He performed, the claims He made, His death by Roman crucifixion, and the disappearance of His body from the grave are all confirmed facts. They are all evidence for you to consider.

It’s where reason comes in.

And there is all kind of literature for you to explore and reason through—Scriptural as well as non-religious, historical documents.

Anyone that is truly committed to intellectual integrity should at least understand what Christianity is about before dismissing it. Why not start with a general overview of its basic beliefs? You’ll find an easy to read explanation of them in the book, Christianity for the Average Joe.

Of course, no matter how convincing or unconvincing you consider the evidence, there won’t be enough proof either way.

You’ll have to make your decision based on faith. And so my definition.

Christian faith is the place you stand between what you know and believe.

There is a lot of information about Christianity for you to explore. A lot of evidence to reason through. But ultimately it comes down to faith. That’s where you’ll have to stand to make your final decision…to believe.

Yes…faith is subjective. And yes…it is an experience. One that leaves you forever changed.

About Chip Tudor:

Chip Tudor is an author, blogger and professional writer. He publishes books, humorous Christian drama, and thought provoking blogs from a Christian worldview. This blog is originally published here.

Enjoy Humorous Christian Books?

The whale image used for this blog is a cartoon illustration out of my book Family Stew. Each chapter begins with a professionally drawn, cartoon illustration. It’s a collection of stories from the days of our young family along with summary thoughts from a Christian perspective.