Theme: Christians should strive to maintain a positive thought life. (Phil.4:8)

Length: 3-4 minutes

6 Clowns

There is no particular setting for this skit except for a single chair. You will need clown costumes, a donut, an inner tube, a balloon and a whoopee cushion.

This Kid’s Church skit was performed by children made up as clowns and works best for that venue. Characters discuss various ideas on how to maintain a positive thought life. It ends with a whoopee cushion explosion from which the skit gets its name.


(Goober ENTERS and paces around. He’s concentrating very hard.)

Goober: Think, think, think. Think, think, think.

(Slobber ENTERS. He watches Goober, puzzled at first, then begins to follow him with growing curiosity.)

Slobber: What are you doing?

Goober: (pauses to answer) I’m thinking.

(Goober resumes pacing and talking to himself. Slobber continues to follow and watch.)

Goober: Think, think, think. Think, think, think.

Slobber: What kind of thinking?

Goober: Good thoughts thinking. That’s what kind of thinking. (He paces again.) Think, think, think. Think, think, think. (Pauses with a discovery) Thinking leads to answers. Answers lead to knowledge. And knowledge leads to…to…

Slobber: To what?

Goober: (Shrugs) The thought hasn’t entered my mind.