Seo article writing–reaching the top search engine ranking is every marketer’s dream. But what’s the secret? And the answer is…it’s more of a grind. Here are some thoughts to help you in your effort.

Seo article writing–reaching the top search engine ranking. Getting started.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the internet buzz word of the day. It involves following certain practices in building websites and writing online articles that achieve the highest ranking in search engine results. In other words, when someone conducts a Google search and types in words related to your business or article, yours comes up on the first page. A daunting task when you consider there thousands of websites and articles competing for the top spot.  

Is there any hope for you? Read on for the answer. 

Seo article writing–reaching the top search engine ranking. Understanding the basics

Experts talk about two sides to search engine optimization. The first is technical. It involves algorithms, Meta tags and other back-end IT programming features that make your website friendly to search engines spiders. If you have a Word Press site, there’s a template you can follow that performs many of these program functions for you.   

And the other side has to do with content writing. The goal here is to position certain keywords related to your business within your written content. And as you write, you intentionally include the keywords throughout the article.   

Leverage online article directories to improve your results

Online article directories have already gained favorable traction with search engines. And you can gain high rankings by simply posting articles on them.

I wrote an seo article titled: Comedy copywriting—funny or not here I come and submitted it to several online article directories. My bio and website link appear at the bottom of the article so that a reader can follow it back to my site. The article must pass an editorial review before it’s listed on the directory. But a few days later I was notified by one directory that the article was online. And a few days later it appeared on a second directory.  

But the real test was how well the article ranked on the search engines.

I typed the words “copywriter, humor” in a Google search. My article came up as #15 on page 2. Not bad. But when I searched for “copywriter, comedy” my jaw nearly hit the floor. The article was #1! I could hardly believe it. I kept repeating the search with the same results.  

Therefore, you don’t have to be an IT program wizard or spend thousands of dollars to gain seo ranking success. Persistent, consistent effort following proven strategies can get you there.


Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, published author, playwright and pastor. He publishes drama at, books on, and articles on his blog.